Scope XML Tags

You use Scope XML tags to specify the scope of the information to be retrieved from Sentinel License Manager, using the AdminApi.adminGet method.

The available Scope XML tags are described in the table that follows.

Parent Tag

Child Tag


none - root


Root element for the Scope XML



ID of the Product



Vendor code



ID of the Sentinel protection key



ID of the Feature



Name or IP address of the computer



IP address of a client of a License Manager session (or Local for the local computer)



User name of the License Manager user



Identity code of the client identity



Filter values for retrieving a list of client identities. Attributes are:

>limit = Number of records to retrieve.

>offset = Location in the list from which to start retrieving records.

For example - To retrieve 10 records starting from record number 100:

<filter limit = "10" offset = "100">


You can specify the scope using either of the following types of notation:

>Attribute Notation

For example:

 <vendor id="37515"/>

>Element Notation

For example:


Related Topics

XML Tags for Admin API Methods

Examples of XML Code for Methods in Admin API