Unregister a Machine

This topic provides an example of the XML to use with the AdminApi.adminSet method to unregister a client machine.

Method: sntl_admin_set (context, action, &return_status)

action (request)

action delete

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
          <element identity_code="I4H6DUJ"/>
          <element machine_name="user1@sss"/>
          <element ip=""/>
          <element user_name="user1"/>

The machine is unregistered if all the elements specified match the machine's attributes

If no machine matches all of the specified elements, the code IdentityNothingToUnregister is returned.

The identity_code element is required. All other elements are optional.

If multiple machines match the elements specified, all of them are unregistered.


The following sample unregisters all machines that are registered for the specified identity code:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
          <element identity_code="I4H6DUJ"/>

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