Settings Menu— Advanced Tab

Use the fields provided in the Advanced tab of the Settings dialog box to configure the settings described below.

Envelope Engine

Envelope offers several engines for protecting Windows applications. The engine that you select is only applicable at the time you select a new application to be protected. Applications that you selected earlier and that you are now updating continue to work with the engine that was in effect when they were first selected.

Select one of the following Windows engines:

Use Windows V3 engine (default)

This is the most advanced engine available for protecting Windows applications.

(To protect an AutoCAD plugin with version 2020 or later, you must select this engine.)

Use Windows NG engine Earlier version of the engine for protecting Windows-based applications.

Use Windows legacy engine

When selected, Envelope can work with projects for Win32 or x64 applications that were created using Sentinel HASP version 5.10 or earlier.

Legacy Envelope protection is not supported for operating systems later than Windows 7 (NT 6.1).

The behavior of Sentinel LDK Envelope is as follows:

>When you start Sentinel LDK Envelope 9.0 or later for the first time, by default the Windows engine used for applications in new projects is V3.

>If you open a project that was created in Sentinel LDK Envelope 8.5 or earlier, the protection engine in the Envelope Settings dialog box changes for that project to the setting that was in force when that project was created.

Once you manually change the Windows engine in the Settings dialog box and click OK, the engine you selected is applied for all applications that you add to any project, regardless of when the project was created.

Additional Settings

Libraries to exclude in AppOnChip applications Only relevant when using AppOnChip to protect Windows applications. Click Select libraries to select specific static libraries whose functions should not appear in the list of functions that can be protected with AppOnChip.

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Sentinel LDK Envelope Settings