Working with Programs

Programs in a Sentinel LDK Envelope project are located in the Project pane, at the top of the tree.

Display the programs in the project by expanding the Programs icon. When you add a program to a project, a corresponding icon is added under the Programs icon.

Represents Java executables.

Represents Windows programs (Windows V3 engine).

Represents Windows programs (Windows NG engine).

Represents .NET assemblies.

After you have added a program to a project, you can apply or modify specific protection parameters for the specific program.

NOTE   You can also modify parameters for .NET assemblies using the Sentinel LDK Envelope .NET API. For further information, see the Sentinel LDK Software Protection and Licensing Guide (for Sentinel EMS or Sentinel LDK-EMS).

Related Topics

Adding a Program to a Project

Program Options

Protecting a Program

Protection Parameters

Project Pane