.NET Version Conflicts

When you load a .NET application into an Envelope project, Envelope binds to the specific .NET version of the application. If in the same Envelope session, you attempt to load a second .NET application that uses a different version of .NET, a conflict may arise because Envelope is still bound to the .NET version from the first application loaded.

For example:

>If you load a .NET 4.0 application and then a .NET 2.0 application during the same Envelope session, a warning message is displayed, stating that Envelope is able to protect the second application, but the application's version will be upgraded from .NET 2.0 to .NET 4.0.

>If you load a .NET 2.0 application and then attempt to load a .NET 4.0 application during the same Envelope session, an error message is displayed, stating that the second application was not accept by Envelope.

>If you load an Envelope project that contains a .NET 4.0 application, and then load a .NET 2.0 application, Envelope binds to .NET version 2.0 and will not be able to protect the .NET 4.0 application in the Envelope project.

To avoid this issue, you can stop and restart Envelope in order to load and protect .NET applications with different version of .NET.

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