haspdinst.exe Utility

haspdinst.exe is a command-line utility that installs the Sentinel LDK Run-time Environment. Following installation, the file is located in:

%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Thales\Sentinel LDK\Redistribute\Runtime Environment\cmd Install

NOTE   By default, the haspdinst.exe utility automatically installs the Run-time Environment with or without legacy drivers, as required. If necessary, you can force installation of legacy drivers using the relevant switch described in Additional haspdinst.exe Utility Switches. For more information, see the description of legacy drivers in the Sentinel LDK Software Protection and Licensing Guide.

To install or upgrade the Sentinel LDK Run-time Environment:

>Type haspdinst -i in the command line. The installation or upgrade process is performed automatically. A message is displayed informing you that the Sentinel LDK Run-time Environment was successfully installed.

Immediately after the Run-time Environment (7.100 or later) is installed or upgraded, any V2C file contained in the same folder is applied to the relevant protection key on the machine.

To remove the Sentinel LDK Run-time Environment:

>Type haspdinst -r in the command line. A message is displayed informing you that the Sentinel LDK Run-time Environment was successfully removed.

Additional haspdinst.exe Utility Switches

The following table lists additional switches that can be used with the haspdinst.exe utility.




Displays the installation status

-h or -?

Displays a list of the available commands


Enables the installation program to ‘kill’ all processes accessing the Run-time Environment


Sets the installation program to display only critical messages (for example, instructions to reboot)


Sets the installation program to remove Sentinel LDK Run-time Environment by force, leaving the run-time in a non-functioning state

-ld Forces installation of the Run-time Environment with legacy drivers. For details, see the Sentinel LDK Software Protection and Licensing Guide. For example: haspdinst -i -ld


Sets the installation program to ignore other running Windows processes


Sets program to display no messages


If used in conjunction with the -i or -r switch, checks for active License Manager sessions and prompts the user to continue or to abort the operation.


Silently stops “HASP Loader” and “Server” services (if they are active), performs the requested operation, and then restarts the services.