Sentinel RMS Cloud Add-on Enforcement Properties <5.5Preview> and <10.1Preview>

Cloud Served Lease License Configuration: Automatic Updates

Field Description
Detect Entitlement Updates (Includes License Model Attributes):

The setting allows the automatic detection of modifications in an entitlement's license model-related attributes.

Default value: Yes

We recommend accepting this setting as only this setting makes it possible to detect modifications in the listed attributes. Once the updates are detected by the client, it immediately fetches the next lease regardless of next lease renewal time (if any) and entitlement updates are reflected on the client.

To obtain entitlement updates on-demand by enforcing synchronization, clients may also choose to sync manually.

Detect Entitlement Attributes—Other Attributes

The setting allows the automatic detection of modifications in an entitlement's non-licensing attributes.

Default value: No

If you modify your entitlements for the listed attributes, then you must enable this property; otherwise, the changes done will not be detected and delivered under any circumstance.

Detect Entitlement Attributes—Custom Attributes

The setting allows the automatic detection of modifications in an entitlement's listed custom attributes.

Default value: No

Enabling this setting is necessary only if you have updates in the listed fields.

Entitlement Update Detection Interval—Back End (mins)

The time gap to be kept between updating an entitlement in Sentinel EMS (back end) for a customer. Sentinel EMS automatically shares the entitlement updates with clients after this time gap.

Default value: 24 hours

The default value means that when you keep a gap of 24 hours in doing entitlement updates, only a single activation record captures all the entitlement updates. The following examples provide more guidance on the value you should set for your entitlements.

Scenario 1: You are updating the same entitlement multiple times in a day for a customer frequently

Settings Outcome

Entitlement Update Detection Interval—Back End (mins) = 24 hours

Entitlement Update Detection Interval—Client (mins) = 1 hour

Suppose you updated an entitlement on 1st January 2023 at 10:00 hours, 10:30 hours, 10:50 hours, 11:30 hours, and 11:40 hours and the client comes at 11:00 hours. In that case, it will get updates of 10:00, 10:30, and 10:50. When the client came next at 12.00 hours, it will not reflect the remaining updates until the 10:00 hours of the next update after 1st January 2023.

Scenario 2: You are updating the same entitlement multiple times in a day for a customer occasionally

Settings Outcome

Entitlement Update Detection Interval—Back End (mins) = 1 minute

Entitlement Update Detection Interval—Client (mins) = 1 hour

If you rarely update the entitlement for a customer in a day, you can keep a smaller value, such as one minute, in order to ensure assured detection of updates automatically by the clients. For example, if you updated an entitlement on 1st January 2023 at 10:00 hours, 10:30 hours, 10:50 hours, 11:30 hours, and 11:40 hours and the client comes at 11:00 hours, it will get updates of 10:00, 10:30, and 10:50. When the client came next at 12.00 hours, it will get the remaining updates of 11:30 hours and 11:50 hours.
Entitlement Update Detection Interval—Client (mins)

The period after which the client (assigned machine on the end user's side) regularly contacts Sentinel EMS for entitlement updates, if any done by the software vendor. If entitlement updates are detected, then these are pushed automatically. This is an automatic process.

The assigned machine can be a standalone client machine or a network host that is the contact point for receiving the lease.

Default value: 60 minutes

We recommend accepting this setting as it provides a reasonable time frame to detect entitlement updates.

You may even set this value as 10 minutes (the minimum allowed value) if you want the entitlement updates to be detected as soon as they are made.

A higher value (which means a longer time frame) may be required if you have too many client requests checking for updates.

If there was an entitlement update in the back end and if a client is restarted, then it would fetch the available update immediately.

See Also:

>Decoupling of Lease Renewal and Entitlement Updates

>Examples: Lease Renewals and Entitlement Updates <5.5Preview> and <10.1Preview>

Cloud Served Cloud License Manager Configuration

Field Description
Renew License Automatically

Specifies whether the connected licenses deployed on cloud LM are renewed automatically.

Default value: Yes

Cloud Served Common Configuration

Field Description
Record Granular Usage Transactions

Specifies whether the Granular Usage Transactions can be generated. This property has to be set to "Yes" before you can generate the report. Usage information is reflected in the report 24 hours after this property is enabled.

Default value: No

Cloud Served Lease License Configuration

Field Description
Usage Timeout (mins)

For lease licenses, it helps in identifying the abandoned sessions. It is used for completing a usage log record corresponding an abandoned session. For the license models where the last refresh time is not derived, the abandoned sessions are completed by adding value of this property in start time.

Default value: 10080 minutes (7 days) for fresh hosted instance of Sentinel EMS 5.2.
1440 minutes (24 hours) for upgrades, previous releases.

Range: 30 to 2,147,483,647 minutes

Cloud Served Connected License Configuration

Field Description
License Caching Duration (mins)

Specifies the duration for which the application caches licenses in memory. This property is valid only for features where usage limit and concurrency limit is set to unlimited for both named and unnamed license.

This is a Read Only property.

Default value: 30 minutes

NOTE   Above property is valid for unlimited usage & unlimited concurrency only.

License Session Timeout (mins)

Helps in identifying the abandoned sessions.

For example, if this value is 90 minutes, then whenever background process will run, it will check for records which are idle for over 90 mins. These sessions will be treated as abandoned sessions. Sessions will be completed by putting stop time as last refresh time.

It also kills abandoned concurrent sessions and returns consumed concurrency count for abandoned concurrent sessions after clean up.

For more information on abandoned sessions, see Sentinel RMS API Reference Guide.


Default value: 1440 minutes (24 hours)

Range: 30 to 2,147,483,647 minutes

NOTE    Above property is valid in case of limited concurrency.

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