

>Who Is a Contact?

>Contact Status

>Prerequisites for Creating a Contact

>Creating a Contact

>Actions for a Contact

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Who Is a Contact?

A contact is an individual who serves as the single point of communication for an entitlement. You create contacts for customers and then generate entitlements for them. All emails related to an entitlement are sent to the specified contact.

A contact can also be created independent of a customer. Therefore, a contact may or may not belong to a customer.

Contact Administrator

You can also create contact with administrative rights for a specific customer. A contact administrator can access all the entitlements, downloads, and activations of the customer. In addition, a contact administrator can also manage user sessions, tokens, and contacts using the customer portal. For more information on the functions that a contact administrator can perform through the customer portal, see the Sentinel EMS Customer Portal User Guide.

Contact Status

The Status attribute available on the Contacts page specifies the following status of a contact:

>Enabled: The contact can log on to Sentinel EMS.

>Disabled: The contact is blocked from logging on to Sentinel EMS.

Prerequisites for Creating a Contact

The Customer Management permission (role) to create customers and contacts must be available to the user.

Creating a Contact

From the navigation pane, select Customers > Contacts to view the Contacts page. The Add Contact button on this page is used to create a contact using the page given below:

Contact Attributes

The following table explains the attributes that are used to create a contact:

Attribute Description Required/Optional Valid Values
Market Group

Market group to which the contact belongs. The market group specifies a target market for specific catalog elements and their entitlements. The contact can only work with catalog elements and entitlements of its own market group.

Each contact can be associated with only one market group.

NOTE   The Market Group drop-down is available only if the logged-in user is associated with more than one market group.
If only one market group is associated with the logged-in user then the Market Group attribute is not visible to the user.


>List of market group names associated with the logged-in user.

>The system automatically picks the logged-in user's market group if a single market group is associated with the user.

>A "default" value is used if the logged-in user is not associated with any market group. This value is not visible to the user.

Email Email address of the contact. Required

>Unique across all users, contacts, and channel partner users existing in Sentinel EMS.

>A valid email address

>Cannot contain: spaces and \ () [] : ; “ <>

>Cannot start with a '.'

>Cannot contain double ..

>Cannot contain double @@

Password Password the contact uses to log on to Sentinel EMS portal. Optional

> 8 to 30 characters

>Atleast one lowercase character (a-z)

>Atleast one uppercase character (A-Z)

>Atleast one number (0-9) OR special character (! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ - + = , .)

>The ':' character is not supported.

Name Name of the contact. Optional


>1 to 100 characters

Contact Type

Contact type as one of the following:

>Standard: The contact can only work with the entitlements to which they have access and can perform operations such as license activation for these entitlements.

>Administrator: A contact administrator can access all the entitlements, downloads, and activations of the customer. In addition, a contact administrator can also manage user sessions, tokens, and contacts using the customer portal.


Standard OR Administrator.

Customer Customer to associate the contact.

>Required if Contact Type is Administrator

>Optional if Contact Type is Standard


>1 to 500 characters

Additional Attributes

Ref ID 1 Reference identifier that identifies the contact in an external system. Optional

>Unique across Sentinel EMS for all customers


>0 to 100 characters

Ref ID 2 Reference identifier that identifies the contact in an external system. Optional


>0 to 100 characters

Phone Telephone number of the contact. Optional

0 to 100 characters


Display language for the contact.

Select a language from the available languages to specify a language other than English.

Automatically generated emails (for example, entitlement certificate, license certificate) are sent to the contact in this language.

Also, when the contact logs on to the Sentinel EMS, the pages displayed are in the selected language.

Required The options displayed depend on the language packs installed for Sentinel EMS.
Company Website URL of the company website Optional A valid URL

Billing and Shipping Address Attributes

Billing Address

Street/PO Box Street address or the post office box details of the contact for billing statements (for example credit card statements). Optional 0 to 100 characters
City City of the contact. Optional 0 to 30 characters
State/Province State of the contact. Optional 0 to 30 characters
Country Country of the contact. Optional 0 to 30 characters
ZIP Code / Postal Code ZIP or postal code of the contact. Optional 0 to 20 characters
Use as Shipping Address

>Select Yes to use the same address for both billing and order shipment.

> Select No to expand the pane and specify a different Shipping Address for receiving orders.


Yes OR No

Actions for a Contact

The following table lists the actions available for contacts:

Action Description
Edit button Edit

Updates information for an existing contact.


>If an entitlement marked as "complete" is associated with a contact, a confirmation is required when you edit the contact details.

>It is mandatory to update the password whenever you update the contact email to enable contact to log on to the customer portal.

>The market group of contact cannot be changed when it is associated with a customer.

>Editing the market group of a contact (not associated with a customer) will also update the associated entitlements and activations of the contact to the modified market group.

Delete button Delete

Deletes a contact. You can delete a contact for whom no entitlements, activations, or revocation* details have been generated.

Disable button Disable
Prevents the contact from logging on to Sentinel EMS.
Enable button Enable
Re-enables a contact that is marked as disabled, enabling the contact to access Sentinel EMS.