
>What are Notifications?

>Notification Status

>Predefined Notifications in Sentinel EMS

>Editing Notifications

>Actions for Notifications

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What are Notifications?

Notifications are emails sent by Sentinel EMS to inform or remind the recipients (customers, contacts, channel partners, and software vendors) about important events related to entitlements.

Notifications can be useful in the following ways:

>Timely messages drive efficient entitlement renewals. Early notifications, such as 14 days or 7 days before expiration, allow customers to take a proactive decision on entitlement renewal.

>Notifications provide a mechanism for software vendors to collect information about customers whose entitlements are in a grace period. The software vendor can use notifications to follow up with customers to encourage license renewal or upgrade.

>Provides a mechanism for software vendor to inform customers about entitlements that have reached their expiration date or have not been activated.

>Provides a mechanism for software vendor to inform customers about product upgrades.

NOTE   Notifications is an Advanced Licensed feature in Sentinel EMS and can be consumed only with a valid Sentinel EMS Advanced License.

Notification Status

The Status attribute available on the Notifications page specifies the following status of a notification:

>Enabled: The notification is enabled and can be sent to recipients.

>Disabled: The notification is disabled and cannot be sent to recipients.

Predefined Notifications in Sentinel EMS

All notifications defined in Sentinel EMS are based on rules. The content and delivery date of the notification email are determined by the rule.

These notifications are sent according to predefined rules. For example, the Entitlement Expired notification is automatically sent to recipients after an entitlement expires. The available notifications are:

>Product Upgrade: An on-demand notification that you can send when an upgrade is available for a product. To send this notification, in the Actions column, click Edit and update the attributes as needed. Then click Send Notification. This notification cannot be disabled.

>Entitlements Not Activated: Notification for entitlements that are marked as "complete" but were not activated after the specified number of days.

>Entitlements Expired: Notification for all entitlements that are marked as "complete" and that expired the previous day.

>Entitlements Expiring in 14 Days: Notification for all entitlements marked as "complete" that will expire in 14 days or less from current date.

>Entitlements Expiring in 7 Days: Notification for all entitlements marked as "complete" that will expire in 7 days or less from current date.

Editing Notifications

You can modify the attributes of a notification to customize it. The following table describes the attributes that can be updated for a notification:

Attributes Description Required/Optional Available for following notifications
Name Name of the notification. The name provided for the predefined Required All
Description Additional information about the notification. Optional


Email Parameters

Email Template Name of the template file (.tpl) on which the layout of the email is based. NA


To Recipients

The recipients to whom the notification emails are sent. NA All

Cc Recipients

Bcc Recipients

Additional recipients to whom the notification emails are sent. Optional All


Execution Time Time of day when the notification must be sent. Required All except Product Upgrade
Execution Day

The frequency for sending the notification:

>Daily: Notification is sent every day.

>Weekly: Notification is sent on the specified days of the week.

>Monthly: Notification is sent on the specified day of the month.

Required All except Product Upgrade

Attributes specific to predefined notifications

Product Name Name of the product for which upgrade is available. Optional Product Upgrade
Not Activated in (days) Number of days entitlement was not activated post creation. A notification will be sent after the specified number of days has elapsed. This includes the current date. Required Entitlements Not Activated
Expiring in (days) Number of days in which the entitlements will expire. Required

Entitlements Expiring in 14 Days

Entitlements Expiring in 7 Days

Actions for Notifications

The following table lists the actions available for notifications:

Action Description
Edit button Edit

Updates existing notification information. See Editing an Entity to understand how to edit an entity.


>You cannot edit Email Template and To Recipients.

>All other attributes can be modified irrespective of the deployment status of a notification.

Enable button Enable

Enables a disabled notification so that the email can be sent to recipients.

Disable button Disable

Disables a notification so that the email cannot be sent to recipients.