Registration Tokens

>What Are Registration Tokens?

>Prerequisites for Creating a Registration Token

>Registration Token Status

>Adding a Registration Token

>Actions for Registration Tokens


>New to Sentinel EMS?
See How to Use Sentinel EMS?

>About Authorization (Auth) Tokens
See Authorization (Auth) Tokens

What Are Registration Tokens?

A registration token is a bootstrap token that enables licensed applications to get their individual auth tokens and together they support token-based authentication in order to consume licenses as per the Connected (Cloud LM) deployment mode. Token-based authentication ensures that each request to the RMS Cloud License Manager is accompanied by a token. The RMS Cloud License Manager verifies the token before sending the response.

An administrator or a standard user with Customer Management permissions or an administrator contact creates and shares registration tokens with the customers and contacts.

A single registration token can be used to create multiple authorizations (auth) tokens. This is useful for administrator contacts who want ease of use by using one registration token to enable multiple users/machines where the licensed applications will run to get their individual auth tokens. Note that it is not necessary to create a registration token for each user/machine.

Prerequisites for Creating a Registration Token

An administrator, or a standard user with Customer Management permissions, can create registration tokens using the vendor portal.

An administrator contact can create a registration token using the customer portal. For more information, see Contacts and the Sentinel EMS Customer Portal User Guide.

Registration Token Status

The Status attribute for a registration token can be one of the following:

>Enabled: The registration token is enabled and can be used to create auth tokens.

>Disabled: The registration token is disabled and cannot be used to create auth tokens. To edit the token, you must enable it.

>Expired: The allotted time for the registration token ended. The registration token is listed as enabled but cannot be edited.

Adding a Registration Token

From the navigation pane in the vendor portal, select Customers > Registration Tokens to view the Registration Tokens page. The Add Registration Token button on this page is used to create a registration token using the page given below:

Registration Token Attributes

The following table explains the attributes that are used to create a registration token:

Attribute Description Required/Optional Valid Values

The customer for whom the registration token is generated.

Note: The Add Customer button is displayed only if the logged-in user is associated with a single market group.



>1 to 200 characters

Customer ID The customer ID defined in Sentinel EMS for the specified Customer is displayed automatically. This field is disabled and cannot be modified.



Expiration Date

The date after which the registration token cannot be used. You can extend the expiration date for up to 30 days from the current date.

You can also shorten the validation period by decreasing the date to the current date plus one day (tomorrow). For example, if today's date is 06/15/2024, the earliest expiration date is 06/16/2024.


Date in MM/DD/YYYY format

Maximum value: 30 days from the current date

Default value: 7 days from the current date


The name that identifies the registration token for ease of use.

You can use the same identifier for multiple customers but you cannot repeat the same identifier for the same customer.

If you do not enter an identifier, the system generates an identifier automatically.



>1 to 100 characters

Count The number of authorization (auth) tokens that can be generated for the registration token Required

Minimum value: 1

Maximum value: 1,000,000

Additional Attributes

Ref ID 1 Reference identifier that identifies the registration token in an external system. Optional


>0 to 100 characters

Ref ID 2 Reference identifier that identifies the registration token in an external system. Optional


>0 to 100 characters

Actions for Registration Tokens

The following table lists the actions available for registration tokens:

Action Description
Edit button Edit

Updates existing registration token information. You can edit a registration token up to 30 days from the current date. This enables you to extend or shorten the registration token validation period, for example.

For details on editing registration tokens, see Editing an Entity.

  View Auth Tokens

Lists all the authorization (auth) tokens for the selected registration token.

Copy button Copy

Duplicates an existing registration token, enabling you to edit the copy and create a new registration token.

Enable button Enable

Enables a disabled registration token.

Disable button Disable

Disables a registration token.

Delete button Delete

Deletes a registration token.

You can delete the registration token even when the auth tokens created using this registration token are in use. This is because there is no role for registration tokens once the required auth tokens are generated.