
NOTE   Webhooks is a Sentinel EMS add-on feature available with an active webhooks subscription plan.

>What Is a Webhook?

>Prerequisites for Creating a Webhook

> What Is an Event?

>Webhook Status

>Creating a Webhook

>Actions for Webhooks


>About Authentication Profiles
See Authentication Profiles

What Is a Webhook?

Webhooks enable Sentinel EMS to notify client applications (or services) about a change or an update to a Sentinel EMS entity. Sentinel EMS uses webhooks to send event notifications to the client applications enabling the application to take an action in response to the event, for example:

>Synchronizing data between two applications

>Triggering automated workflows

>Allowing third-party integrations

In Sentinel EMS, webhooks support OAuth and Basic authentication to send HTTP requests to the client applications.

Prerequisites for Creating a Webhook

Only Sentinel EMS administrators can create webhooks. An authentication profile (Basic or OAuth) is required by webhooks to authenticate to the client applications. You can also define an authentication profile when creating a webhook.

What Is an Event?

An event is created whenever an operation is performed on a Sentinel EMS entity, such as namespace or product. A webhook creates a subscription to the required event. For example, if you subscribe to the Feature Added event, you will receive the detailed information (JSON payload) every time a feature is added in Sentinel EMS.

You can create webhook subscriptions for the following events, where "Contact" refers to the User entity, and "User" refers to the Vendor User entity.

Entity Name Operation Activity Name Event Name
Namespace Create Add Namespace Namespace Added
Namespace Update Update Namespace Namespace Updated
Namespace Update Replace Namespace Namespace Updated
Namespace Delete Delete Namespace Namespace Updated
Feature Create Add Feature Feature Added
Feature Create Bulk Feature Upload Feature Added
Feature Update Update Feature Feature Updated
Feature Update Replace Feature Feature Updated
Feature Delete Delete Feature Feature Updated
Feature Update Update License Models Feature Updated
Feature Update Replace License Models Feature Updated
Feature Update Delete License Models Feature Updated
Product Create Add Draft Product Product Added
Product Create Add Product

>Product Added

>Namespace Updated

Product Create Bulk Product Upload Product Added
Product Update Update Product Product Updated
Product Update Replace Product Product Updated
Product Delete Delete Product Product Updated
Product Update Replace Associated Features Product Updated
Product Update Update Associated Features Product Updated
Product Update Delete Associated Feature Product Updated
Product Suite Create Add Product Suite Product Suite Added
Product Suite Create Bulk Product Suite Upload Product Suite Added
Product Suite Update Update product Suite Product Suite Updated
Product Suite Update Replace Product Suite Product Suite Updated
Product Suite Delete Delete Product Suite Product Suite Updated
Product Suite Update Update Associated Products Product Suite Updated
Product Suite Update Replace Associated Products Product Suite Updated
Product Suite Update Delete Associated Product Product Suite Updated
License Model Create Add License Model License Model Added
License Model Update Update License Model License Model Updated
License Model Update Replace License Model License Model Updated
License Model Delete Delete License Model License Model Updated
Download Create Add Download Download Added 
Download Update Update Download Download Updated 
Download Update Replace Download Download Updated 
Download Update Delete Download Download Updated 
Customer Create Add Customer Customer Added
Customer Create Bulk Customer Upload Customer Added
Customer Update Update Customer Customer Updated
Customer Update Replace Customer Customer Updated
Customer Delete Delete Customer Customer Updated
Customer Update Replace Associated Contacts Customer Updated
Customer Update Update Associated Contacts Customer Updated
Customer Update Delete Associated Contact Customer Updated
Contact Create Add Contact Contact Added
Contact Create Bulk Contact Upload Contact Added
Contact Update Update Contact Contact Updated
Contact Update Replace Contact Contact Updated
Contact Delete Delete Contact Contact Updated
Contact Create Register Contact Contact Updated
Contact Update Change Password Contact Updated
Contact Update Forgot Password Contact Updated
Channel Partner Create Add Partner Partner Added
Channel Partner Update Update Partner Partner Updated
Channel Partner Update Replace Partner Partner Updated
Channel Partner Update Delete Partner Partner Updated
Entitlement Create Add Entitlement

>Entitlement Added

>Feature Updated

>Product Updated

Entitlement Create Add Draft Entitlement Entitlement Added
Entitlement Create Add Entitlement  Entitlement Added
Entitlement Create Bulk Entitlement Upload Entitlement Added
Entitlement Create Add Batch Entitlement Entitlement Added
Entitlement Update Update Entitlement Entitlement Updated
Entitlement Update Replace Entitlement Entitlement Updated
Entitlement Delete Delete Entitlement Entitlement Updated
Entitlement Update Associate Contact Entitlement Updated
Entitlement Update Remove Associated Contact Entitlement Updated
Entitlement Update Associate Customer Entitlement Updated
Entitlement Update Remove Associated Customer Entitlement Updated
Entitlement Update Add Product Key Entitlement Updated
Entitlement Update Update Product Key Entitlement Updated
Entitlement Update Associate Named Users Entitlement Updated
Entitlement Update Update Associated Named User Entitlement Updated
Entitlement Update Remove Associated Named User Entitlement Updated
Entitlement Update Entitlement Expired Entitlement Updated
Entitlement Update Associate Partners Entitlement Updated
Entitlement Update Remove Associated Partner Entitlement Updated
Entitlement Update Update Associated Partners Entitlement Updated
Entitlement Update Split or Transfer Entitlement Updated
Entitlement Create Split or Transfer Entitlement Added
Entitlement Update Split or Transfer Product Key Quantity Exhausted
Entitlement  Update Update Product Key Association Entitlement Updated
Entitlement  Update Remove From Product Key Entitlement Updated
Entitlement  Update Update Variant Association Entitlement Updated
Entitlement  Update Remove From Variant Entitlement Updated
Entitlement Update Update Entitlement Association Entitlement Updated
Entitlement Update Remove From Entitlement Entitlement Updated
Entitlement Update Expired

>Entitlement Expired

>Product Key Expired

Fingerprint Create Add Fingerprint Fingerprint Added
Fingerprint Update Update Fingerprint Fingerprint Updated
Fingerprint Delete Delete Fingerprint Fingerprint Updated
Fingerprint Update Replace Fingerprint Fingerprint Updated
Custom Attribute Create Add Custom Attribute

>Custom Attribute Added

>List Attribute Added

Custom Attribute Update Update Custom Attribute Custom Attribute Updated
Custom Attribute Delete Delete Custom Attribute Custom Attribute Updated
Custom Attribute Update Replace Associated Options List Attribute Updated
Custom Attribute Update Update Associated Options List Attribute Updated
Custom Attribute Update Delete Associated Options List Attribute Updated
Activation Create Add Activation

>Activation Added

>Product Key Quantity Exhausted

Activation Create Renew Activation Activation Added
Activation Update Renew Activation Activation Updated
Activation Update Update Activation Activation Updated
Activation Update Replace Activation Activation Updated
Activation Update Rehost Activation Activation Added
Activation Create Rehost Activation Activation Updated
Activation Update Update Activatees Activation Updated
Activation Update Replace Activatees Activation Updated
Activation Update Mark as Revoked Activation Updated
Activation Update Custom Revocation Activation Updated
Activation Update Generate Permission Tickets Activation Updated
Activation Update Submit Revocation Proofs Activation Updated
Activation Update Confirm Revocation Activation Updated
Activation Update Reject Revocation Activation Updated
Activation Update Mark as Bulk Revoked Activation Updated
Activation Update Manage Activatee Activation Updated
User Create Add User User Added 
User Update Update User User Updated
User Update Replace User User Updated
User Update Delete User User Updated
Role Create Add Role Role Added 
Role Update Replace Role Role Updated  
Role Update Update Role Role Updated  
Role Update Delete Role Role Updated  
Application Properties Update Update Application Properties Application Properties Updated
Device Create Add Device Device Added
Device Update Update Device Device Updated
Device Update Replace Device Device Updated
Device Update Claim Device Device Updated
Market Group Create Add Market Group Market Group Added
Market Group Update Delete Market Group Market Group Updated
Market Group Update Update Market Group Market Group Updated
Market Group Update Replace Market Group Market Group Updated
Custom Entity Record Create Add Custom Entity Record Custom Entity Record Added
Custom Entity Record Update Replace Custom Entity Record Custom Entity Record Updated
Custom Entity Record Update Update Custom Entity Record Custom Entity Record Updated
Custom Entity Record Update Delete Custom Entity Record Custom Entity Record Updated
Custom Entity Create Add Custom Entity Custom Entity Added
Custom Entity Update Replace Custom Entity Custom Entity Updated
Custom Entity Update Update Custom Entity Custom Entity Updated
Custom Entity Update Delete Custom Entity Custom Entity Updated
Custom Entity Attribute Create Add Custom Entity Attribute Custom Entity Attribute Added
Custom Entity Attribute Update Update Custom Entity Attribute Custom Entity Attribute Updated
Custom Entity Attribute Update Replace Custom Entity Attribute Custom Entity Attribute Updated
Custom Entity Attribute Update Delete Custom Entity Attribute Custom Entity Attribute Updated
Provisioning Plan  Create Add Provisioning Plan  Provisioning Plan Added 
Provisioning Plan  Update Update Provisioning Plan  Provisioning Plan Updated 
Provisioning Plan  Delete Delete Provisioning Plan  Provisioning Plan Updated 
Provisioning Method  Create Add Provisioning Method  Provisioning Method Added 
Provisioning Method  Update Update Provisioning Method  Provisioning Method Updated 
Provisioning Method  Delete Delete Provisioning Method  Provisioning Method Updated 
Provisioning Association  Create Add Provisioning Association  Provisioning Association Added 
Provisioning Association  Update Update Provisioning Association  Provisioning Association Updated 
Provisioning Association  Delete Delete Provisioning Association  Provisioning Association Updated 
Provisioning Request  Update Provisioning Request Dispatch Provisioning Request Sent 
Provisioning Request  Update Update Provisioning Request Status Provisioning Failed
Provisioning Request  Update Update Provisioning Request Status Provisioning Completed 
Provisioning Request  Update Provisioning Request Dispatch Provisioning Request Dispatch Failed

Event Data

A webhook subscribes to a Sentinel EMS event. When the subscribed event occurs in Sentinel EMS, the webhook delivers its data in JSON format to the configured URL in an HTTP POST request.

The following are a few samples showing examples of the event data that webhooks deliver to the client application URL.

Example for the "Add Namespace" Event:

"eventName": "Namespace Added",
"entityName": "Namespace",
"webhookId": "875e3d87-e8b6-4556-98f6-612982d90600",
"webhookName": "SampleNamespaceAdd",
"activityName": "Add Namespace",
"requestId": "631b7add-6100-4f2d-a357-85852346ca81",
"eventId": "77b05f9e-32ff-41c2-b6be-243250b7bbb3",
"url": "https://example.com/ems/api/v5/namespaces",
"entityId": "17f1643b-f573-4c05-8039-eccbf62b2088",
"currentState": "{\"namespace\":{\"id\":\"17f1643b-f573-4c05-8039-eccbf62b2088\",\"creationDate\":\"2023-01-24 06:29\",\"lastModifiedDate\":\"\",\"name\":\"Test\",\"description\":\"\",\"state\":\"DRAFT\",\"refId1\":\"\",\"refId2\":\"\"}}",
"httpMethod": "POST",
"performedBy": "admin",
"actualUser": "admin",
"tenantId": "10141c8b-2252-4ad7-9bd3-8b5fdcb59fc7",
"creationDateTime": "2024-01-24 06:29",
"operation": "Create",
"opDatetime": "2024-01-24 06:29:44.000"

Example for the "Update Namespace" Event:

    "eventName": "Namespace Added",
    "entityName": "Namespace",
    "webhookId": "3d3d4461-8ff7-4831-9654",
    "webhookName": "TestWebhook",
    "activityName": "Add Namespace",
    "requestId": "3f59dfdb-3b65-4187-a44c-05ebaf1bf726",
    "eventId": "33c572c7-c05e-4215-a8d4",
    "url": "https://www.example.com/ems/api/v5/namespaces",
    "entityId": "735e1160-0b2d-47bc-afc6",
    "currentState": "{\"namespace\":{\"id\":\"735e1160-0b2d-47bc-afc6-0fea5e7cbac1\",\"creationDate\":\"2024-12-29 15:50\",\"lastModifiedDate\":\"\",\"name\":\"Name1\",\"description\":\"\",\"state\":\"DRAFT\",\"refId1\":\"\",\"refId2\":\"\"}}",
    "previousState":"{\"namespace\":{\"id\":\"735e1160-0b2d-47bc-afc6-0fea5e7cbac1\",\"creationDate\":\"2024-12-29 15:50\",\"lastModifiedDate\":\"2023-01-24 06:53\",\"name\":\"Name2\",\"description\":\"\",\"state\":\"DRAFT\",\"refId1\":\"\",\"refId2\":\"\"}}"

Example for the "Product Key Quantity Exhausted" Event:

"eventName": "Product Key Quantity Exhausted",
"entityName": "Entitlement",
"webhookId": "ef1b571b-a82f-4350-aa74-8aaf0d2524e3",
"webhookName": "productkey",
"activityName": "Add Activation",
"requestId": "66793a69-2e31-4d12-931b-030fd60ff9e2",
"eventId": "17cd72f6-183d-4400-9f40-f118eaa3c912",
"url": "https://example.com/ems/api/v5/activations/bulkActivate",
"entityId": "2394ce00-20de-4fd0-8112-717893990b27",
"currentState": "{
  "entitlement": {
    "externalId": "",
    "createdBy": "admin",
    "creationDate": "2023-11-17 11:29",
    "lastModifiedBy": "admin",
    "lastModifiedDate": "2023-11-17 11:29",
    "entitlementAsWhole": false,
    "eId": "52d00b55-b57b-486c-9565-261d8596972a",
    "id": "1b240166-59ed-4710-acf1-a24e9a58f3b3",
    "startDate": "2023-11-17",
    "expiry": {
      "neverExpires": true
    "customer": {
      "id": "4aa21bca-c832-4e12-a250-5b936669e1dd",
      "name": "TEST112",
      "identifier": "TEST112",
      "externalId": ""
    "contact": null,
    "entitlementPartners": null,
    "userRegistration": "OPTIONAL",
    "refId1": "",
    "refId2": "",
    "activationAllowed": true,
    "allowActivationBy": "ALL_USERS",
    "revocationAllowed": true,
    "state": "ENABLE",
    "sendNotification": true,
    "ccEmail": "",
    "isTest": false,
    "marketGroup": {
      "id": "8d042002-84f9-11ee-8f05-42010a520087",
      "name": "Default"
    "customAttributes": null,
    "productKeys": {
      "productKey": [
          "pkId": "831e39b6-fa66-4208-9718-417a529d5803",
          "creationDate": "2023-11-17 11:29",
          "lastModifiedDate": "2023-11-17 11:29",
          "externalId": null,
          "startDate": "2023-11-17",
          "expiry": {
            "neverExpires": true
          "id": "2394ce00-20de-4fd0-8112-717893990b27",
          "enforcement": {
            "id": "8aced5c3-84f9-11ee-8f05-42010a520087",
            "name": "Sentinel RMS",
            "version": "10.2"
          "totalQuantity": 1,
          "availableQuantity": 1,
          "splittedQuantity": 0,
          "activationMethod": "FIXED",
          "fixedQuantity": 1,
          "state": "ENABLE",
          "item": {
            "itemProduct": {
              "product": {
                "externalId": "",
                "id": "67058d72-9521-4172-8231-73a7ddf0f17e",
                "identifier": "2",
                "productType": "DEFAULT",
                "nameVersion": {
                  "name": "Copy1",
                  "version": "1"
          "customAttributes": null
"httpMethod": "POST",
"performedBy": "admin",
"actualUser": "admin",
"tenantId": "1a35a0ea-6584-44ad-8a42-2ef329cdacfe",
"creationDateTime": "2023-11-17 11:30",
"operation": "Update",
"opDatetime": "2023-11-17 11:30:05.000"

The parameters included in the event data are:

>eventName: Name of the subscribed event.

>entityName: Name of the Sentinel EMS entity for which the event occurred.

>webhookId: Unique identifier of the webhook.

>webhookName: Name of the webhook.

>activityName: Name of the activity that causes the event. For example, "Add Feature" and "Bulk Feature Upload" activities result in the "Feature Added" event.

>requestId: Unique identifier of the HTTP request sent to Sentinel EMS and from Sentinel EMS to client applications.

>eventId: Identifier of the subscribed event in Sentinel EMS.

>url: URL of the Sentinel EMS endpoint that is called for the event to happen.

>entityId: Identifier of the Sentinel EMS entity for which the event occurred.

>currentState: State (JSON) of the entity after the event occurred. It is blank for "Delete" events.

>previousState: State (JSON) of the entity before the event occurred.


>The current state and previous state are included in the event data only if Include Data is set to Yes in a webhook.

>The Entitlement Expired event contains full entitlement payload only in the current state.

>The payload of the Product Key Quantity Exhausted event does not contain all the product keys for an entitlement. It contains selective entitlement fields for entitlement, customer, contact (representing the user entity), channel partner, product keys, and custom attributes, without any feature details.

>When an individual product key expires, then the Product Key Expired event is sent. When an entitlement expires, all the product keys in the entitlement also expire, however, only the Entitlement Expired event is sent.

>To configure the time zone in which the Entitlement Expired and Product Key Expired events occur, set the Time Zone for Expiration Events admin console property.

Built-in Retries for Webhooks

A webhook may fail to deliver data for a number of reasons, such as authorization failure or server is not reachable. Sentinel EMS webhooks attempt to deliver the event data to the client URL for three times (this number is non-configurable). After that, the webhook delivery is marked as failed. Use Sentinel EMS REST API to get details of events for which webhook delivery failed.

Webhook Status

By default, a webhook is enabled. You can disable a webhook if you want it to stop sending the event data to the client application.

Creating a Webhook

To create a webhook:

1.From the navigation pane, select Configuration > Webhooks to view the Webhooks page.

2. Click Add Webhook. The Add Webhook page opens.

3.Fill in the webhook attributes (described in the next section) and click Save.

Webhook Attributes

The following table explains the attributes that are used to create a webhook:

Attribute Description Required/Optional Valid Values

Name of the event subscribed by the webhook.


>A list of predefined events


Unique name of the webhook.




>Special characters

>Up to 100 characters

Endpoint URL

The URL of the client application to which the webhook posts the event data in the form of JSON.



>Up to 2000 characters

Authentication Profile

Name of the authentication profile associated with the webhook.

Enter a space to view the list of available authentication profiles. Select an authentication profile from the displayed list or click the Add Customer button Add Authentication button to create a new one. For details, see Creating an Authentication Profile.

Required A new or an existing authentication profile
Description A friendly description to identify the webhook. Optional


>Up to 500 characters

Include Data Specifies whether to include previous and current states of the entity (for which the event happened) in the event data sent to the endpoint URL. Optional

Yes OR No

Default: Yes

Enable Webhook Determines whether the webhook can post event data to the endpoint URL. Optional

Yes OR No

Default: Yes

Actions for Webhooks

The following table lists the actions available for webhooks:

Action Description
Edit button Edit

Updates an existing webhook. For details on editing webhooks, see Editing an Entity.

Disable button Disable Prevents the webhook from sending event data to the client application.
Delete button Delete

Deletes a webhook.