What is the Master License?

The Sentinel LDK Master license entitles you to work with Sentinel LDK and all of its components, and to use Sentinel LDK to protect and license your applications.

The Master license provide access to the basic functionality of Sentinel LDK. The Master license also contain the following types of modules:


Sentinel LDK provides optional advanced functionality that adds value, simplifies operation, and increases security for your applications.

Subscription modules grant you permission to use this advanced functionality for a period of time that is defined in your subscription to each module.

Most Subscription modules are stored in the Sentinel LDK Master license. Modules that provide advanced protection functionality for your applications are stored externally as described in Where is the Master License Located?


For certain functions (such as creation of SL keys), you are charged per usage. For each function, you purchase a pool of units, which are added to a meter for the function. A unit is subtracted from the meter for each usage of the function. When the meter is close to depletion, you must purchase a new supply units to refill the meter. You can also subscribe to access for any of these functions and receive an unlimited supply for the function for the duration of the subscription.

Where is the Master License Located?

For Sentinel EMS hosted by Thales, the Sentinel LDK Master license is located on the Thales server where your instance of Sentinel EMS is installed.

Modules that relates to protection of your application are located on your Developer key. This key must be connected to the machine where Sentinel LDK Envelope runs.

You can view the modules on your Developer key in Sentinel Admin Control Center.

NOTE   The Developer key can be accessed using a remote connection. For more information, see the Sentinel LDK Installation Guide.

Updating the Master License

For Sentinel EMS hosted by Thales, all maintenance of the Sentinel LDK Master license is handled by Thales. If you want to refill the meter for a metered function or add a new module, you simply place an order with your Thales customer representative.

To add modules to your Developer key, you can use the Sentinel Master Key Update Utility:

1.From the Start menu, open Sentinel LDK. From the Sentinel LDK Launcher, select Additional Tools > Sentinel Master Key Update Utility.

2.Use the utility to generate a C2V file for your Developer key.

3.Place your order and send the C2V file to Thales.

4.Thales returns a V2C file to you.

5.Use the utility to apply the V2C file to your Developer key.