Reporting Module

The Reporting facility provides software vendors with the ability to produce real-time reports with valuable business information. The Custom Reports facility enables vendors to design their own reports to extract valuable information from the Sentinel EMS database.

Using the Custom Reports feature, managers can design reports to obtain data for analyzing how their software is used, the purchasing preferences of their customers, and information for profiling prospects and existing customers. The information can also be leveraged to maximize revenues from license renewals and to turn trial users into buyers.

The Reporting facility includes both predefined reports and the Custom Reports facility. Use of predefined reports does not require a specific license. However, use of the Custom Reports facility requires the Reporting module. This module is typically issued for a specific amount of time.

The ability to define, generate and view custom reports is included in the Sentinel License Development Kit – Demo and Starter. Vendors who are experimenting with Sentinel LDK can learn first-hand about the Custom Reports facility.

For information on the Reporting facility, see Generating Sentinel LDK Reports.