Sentinel License Manager

Sentinel License Manager is a component of Sentinel LDK that is located on each machine where a protected application runs and on each machine where a protection key is connected. The License Manager enables the protected application to locate and query the protection key that provides licensing authorization for the protected application to operate.

In the most basic configuration, a single License Manager handles the communication between the protected application and a local protection key. In more complex configurations, multiple License Managers may exist on the machine where the protected application exists. These License Managers communicate among themselves and among other License Managers on remote machines where network protection keys are located.

The License Managers provide the protected application with information about the availability of licenses (both local and remote) and manage access to the licenses.

A user or an application can query and configure various aspects of the License Manager functionality. For example, a user can determine where protection keys are located and can control from which machine a protected application consumes a license.

Sentinel Admin API and Sentinel Admin Control Center (a graphical user interface) are available to communicate with the License Managers as described in this section.

NOTE   For basic configurations, no customization of the License Manager is required at the customer site.

In this section:

>Types of License Managers

>Selection of the License Manager By the Protected Application

>License Manager Tools

>Managing User Access to Admin License Manager Information

>Managing Access to Standalone and Network Licenses

>Returning Network Seats to an SL License

>Working Directly With License Manager Configuration Files

>Configuring Detachable License Definitions

>Loss of Connection With a Network License