Protect Once—Deliver Many—Evolve Often

At the heart of Sentinel LDK lies the Protect Once—Deliver Many—Evolve Often concept. This concept is the process of protecting your software completely independently of the process of defining sales and licensing models.

Separation of Protection and Business Functions

The engineering process—that is, the protection of your software—is performed by your software engineers using Sentinel LDK Envelope, Sentinel LDK ToolBox and the Sentinel Licensing API protection tools.

The business processes—that is, software licensing and selection of the appropriate Sentinel protection key—are performed by business management using Sentinel EMS.

As part of the business processes, the Evolve Often stage delivers the capability for you and your end users to:

>Actively track delivery and activation status of end-user entitlements.

>Track when, how, and by whom your software is being consumed.

>Easily manage terms of each entitlement using Sentinel EMS.

The protection processes and the licensing processes—including selection of the appropriate Sentinel protection key type—are performed completely independently of each other.