Assigning License Terms to Features

Sentinel LDK enables you to assign individual license terms to each Feature in each Product that you define. You can also define Products that include the same Features, but with different license terms. Such decisions are based on the commercial requirements of your organization, and on the license models that you choose to implement.

You can control Feature usage through the license by specifying the license model to be applied. You can choose one of the following license models:

>Perpetual: Indicates that the Feature can be used an unlimited number of times for an unlimited period of time.

> Time from First Use: Indicates that the license for the Feature expires after a specific number of days, starting from the date of first use.

>Time from License Generation: Indicates that the license for the Feature expires after a specific number of days, counted from the date on which the license is generated.

>Expiration Date: Indicates that the license for the Feature expires on a specific date.

>Execution Count: Indicates that the license for the Feature expires after a specific number of product executions.

After you select the type of license to apply to each Feature in a Product, you can specify its value, for example, the number of times that a Feature can be used.

If the Feature is intended to be used on a network or remote desktop, you can also specify the number of concurrent instances (network seats) allowed, and you can specify how concurrent instances are to be counted for the purpose of the license. (Basic keys do not support concurrency or remote desktops.) In addition, if the Feature will be used in Products that are locked to Sentinel SL keys, you can specify that the Feature and its license may be temporarily detached from the network for attachment to a remote recipient machine.