Defining Unlocked Products

An Unlocked Product is a license that can be installed by any user on any number of machines.

If an Unlocked Product license has expired on a given machine, the user cannot reinstall the license to continue using the protected application.

An Unlocked Product is used:

>to distribute a protected application as trialware during a grace period (typically 30 to 90 days).

>to distribute a protected application that does not require any licensing restrictions and that can be used for an extended period of time or perpetually. The application is only protected against disassembly (although it may have some time limitation). You can choose to use a licensing mechanism other than Sentinel LDK to license the application (or you can choose to impose no additional license restrictions on the application).

NOTE   To generate an Unlocked Product, you must purchase or subscribe to the relevant modules for your Sentinel LDK Master license.

An Unlocked Product can be defined for any type of Product. The properties of an Unlocked Product are similar to those for a standard Product, with the following exceptions:

>Locking Type: Unlocked Products are automatically assigned the SL AdminMode locking type. If the Product on which the Unlocked Product is based has the SL UserMode locking type, the Unlocked Product is assigned the SL UserMode locking type.

>License Terms: The maximum duration or maximum number of executions that you can define for any Feature in an Unlocked Product depends on the modules you have purchased or subscribed to for your Sentinel LDK Master license. The table that follows indicates the maximum value that can be assigned for a Feature in an Unlocked Product.

Licensing Limitation Modules in Sentinel LDK Master license
Unlocked Trialware Unlocked Unlimited (With or Without Unlocked Trialware)
Maximum duration of Time from First Use license 90 days from first execution 3,650 days from first execution
Maximum duration of Expiration Date license 90 days from current date 31-Dec-2091
Availability of Perpetual license Not available Available

NOTE   The use of the Execution Count license model for Unlocked Products is not supported

The Default Feature in an Unlocked Product is automatically assigned one of the following durations, depending on the modules in the Sentinel LDK Master license:

>For Unlocked Trialware: 90 days from first execution

>For Unlocked Unlimited (with or without Unlocked Trialware): Perpetual

For additional information on the purpose and use of Unlocked Products for trialware, see Designating Products for Trial or Grace Period Use.

For additional information on modules for the Sentinel LDK Master license, see Understanding the Sentinel LDK Master License.