
Sentinel LDK Functionality Enables a network-based license to be detached to a separate machine while locked to a Sentinel SL key
Software Distribution Method Electronic distribution
Applicable Key Types Sentinel SL
Protection Method

>Envelope-based automatic implementation

>API-based automatic implementation


A license can be temporarily detached from a network pool—using Sentinel Admin Control Center—to enable off-line use of your software. For example, when employees leave the office to work off site, they can take their laptops with them and continue using the protected software locally.


1.Select and implement the network concurrency licensing model, ensuring that the license can be locked to a Sentinel SL key and that detachable licenses are enabled.

2.Distribute your software with a Sentinel SL key, ensuring that the system administrator at your end-user site knows how to permit and manage detachable licenses.

3.If the employee requires the detached license for less time than originally planned, the license can be manually returned to the network pool before its expiration date.