.NET Considerations

When protecting .NET assemblies, consider the following issues:

>You must protect your assemblies in a development environment. Sentinel LDK Envelope requires libraries that are not part of the .NET framework, but are included in the development environment.

>Sentinel LDK Envelope for .NET requires access to all assemblies and their dependencies.

>Sentinel LDK Envelope breaks the strong name signature of signed assemblies. You can choose to re-sign the assembly in Sentinel LDK Envelope, as part of the protection process.

>When you protect a .NET Framework 1.x assembly, the Sentinel LDK Envelope output is in Framework 2.0, requiring Framework 2.0 to be installed on the end-user machine.

>For your protected .NET assembly to function at run-time, a Sentinel LDK DLL is required. For more information, see Sentinel LDK Run-time Environment.