General Customizable Protection Parameters

The customizable parameters described in this section are identical for all supported applications, assemblies and dynamic libraries.

>Feature ID: You can select a unique Feature to protect your program. For additional information about Features, see Using Features to Protect Programs.

>Protection key search mode: You can determine where a protected application searches for the Sentinel protection key. For additional information, see Searching for a Sentinel Protection Key.

NOTE   When enabling or disabling some features you might reduce the level of protection provided by the software.

Using Features to Protect Programs

A Feature is an identifiable functionality of a software application. Features may used to identify entire executables, software modules, .NET or Java methods, or a specific functionality such as Print, Save or Draw. Each Feature is assigned unique identifier called a Feature ID. The default Feature ID in Sentinel LDK Envelope is Feature ID 0.

For additional information on Features and licensing, see Identifying Functional Components (Features) and Managing Features .

When you protect a Win32, Windows x64, Mac or Linux application with Sentinel LDK Envelope, you specify a single Feature ID for the entire executable. If you wish to apply unique Features to separate components or functionalities, you must use the Sentinel Licensing API. For additional information, see Sentinel Licensing API Protection.

Protecting .NET Assemblies

When you protect a .NET assembly with Sentinel LDK Envelope, you have the flexibility to specify Features at two levels:

>A global Feature that relates to the entire .NET assembly, with the exception of individually-protected methods. For additional information, see Global Features in .NET Assemblies.

>Method-specific Features. For additional information, see Method-specific Features and Parameters in .NET Assemblies.

At run-time, a protected .NET assembly searches for all Features in the Sentinel protection key.

Searching for a Sentinel Protection Key

Sentinel LDK Envelope enables you to determine where a protected application searches for a required Sentinel protection key.

The following options are available:

>Local and remote: The protected application first searches the local machine for a required Sentinel protection key (default), and then the network.

>Local only: The protected application searches only the local computer for a required Sentinel protection key.

>Remote only: The protected application searches only the network for a required Sentinel protection key.