Sentinel Licensing API Workflow

After planning what data is going to be protected and how that protection will be applied, you are ready to protect your application with the Sentinel Licensing API.

The recommended workflow for implementing the Sentinel Licensing API is as follows:

1.Study the code of the sample application corresponding to your development environment.

2.In your application source code, insert a login call to the Sentinel protection key. A successful login establishes a login session. The login session has its own unique handle identifier.

NOTE   The session identifier is self-generated and applies to a single login session. For more information, see the description of the LoginScope function in the Sentinel Licensing API Reference.

3.After a login session is established, you can use other Sentinel Licensing API functions to communicate with the Sentinel protection key. For example, you can use the Decrypt function to decrypt important data used by your application. You can also read data stored in the Protection Key memory, set timestamps, and other actions.

4.Using the output generated in Step 3, check for potential mismatches and notify the user accordingly.

5.Repeat steps 2–4 throughout the code.

6.Compile the source code.

NOTE   After you have compiled the source code, use Sentinel LDK Envelope to add an extra layer of protection to your software. This process also prevents reverse engineering of protected code.