Selecting a Protection Method

Sentinel LDK offers two software protection methods; Sentinel Licensing API and Sentinel LDK Envelope. Both methods establish an inherent link between the protected software and the intelligence contained in a specific Sentinel protection key.

When selecting a protection method, the following issues must be considered:

>What the Sentinel protection key should protect

>How the Sentinel LDK protection parameters are best applied

>Whether the time required to implement the solution is a critical factor

>Whether flexibility in implementing the protection scheme is important

These issues are discussed in the following sections.

What to Protect

When protecting software with Sentinel LDK, there are various options for applying protection. Sentinel Licensing API is used to protect the software before it is compiled. Protection can also be applied after the software is compiled using Sentinel LDK Envelope. You can choose whether to apply protection to an entire program, a subprogram, or simply to a Feature.

You may opt to use either the Sentinel Licensing API or the Sentinel LDK Envelope protection method, or both, depending on your specific requirements. Use the following table to determine which method best meets your specific requirements.

Sentinel LDK Envelope Sentinel Licensing API
Quick, automatic protection process that shields your software Manual implementation of calls to Sentinel Licensing API
Define specific protection parameters for your programs Controlled process ensuring maximum security. The strength of protection is proportional to the degree to which the Sentinel Licensing API functionality is invested in implementation.
No source code required Source code must be available
Anti-debugging and reverse engineering measures provided Maximum flexibility

Importance of Control Over the Protection Scheme

When applying protection using Sentinel Licensing API, you control the entire protection process. You determine when the protected application queries the Sentinel protection key, and how it should behave in different scenarios. With Sentinel LDK Envelope, compiled programs are wrapped with random protection parameters. If you run Sentinel LDK Envelope twice to protect the same program, two different output files are produced with different protective modules and shields.

Significance of the Time Factor

When a high protection level is specified in Sentinel LDK Envelope, file size increases and the protected application takes longer to launch. Consider this factor when you are deciding on the protection level settings that you choose. Aim for the optimal balance between protection level and launch time.

How to Apply Protection

When using the Sentinel Licensing API, protection is integrated at the source code level in a carefully considered manner. You determine where in the source code to place calls to the Sentinel Licensing API.

Sentinel LDK Envelope offers an automated, speedier method of protecting software. You define settings for protection parameters that are applied to protected applications.

NOTE   When enabling or disabling some features you might reduce the level of protection provided by the software.