Protecting Windows Programs

When you protect a Windows program with Sentinel LDK Envelope, you can determine protection attributes and aspects of the behavior of the protected application.

Protected Application Behavior

Sentinel LDK Envelope enables you to define the following additional properties for Win32 and Windows x64 programs:

>The frequency at which random queries are sent to a Sentinel protection key. These queries include random encryption and decryption procedures.

>The time interval between checks for the presence of a required Sentinel protection key.

>Whether support for programs that require overlays to execute correctly should be enabled.

>The length of time that the protected application waits for the Sentinel LDK Run-time Environment to load.

Protection Attributes

You can define specific security attributes for protected Win32 and Windows x64 programs including parameters for:

>Detection of both system and user-level debugging measures. You can activate measures to be undertaken by the Sentinel LDK system to block potential attacks intended to undermine the protection scheme.

>Specifying the frequency of Sentinel protection key access for encryption. The parameter controls the compactness of the Sentinel protection key calls made by the protected application.

Run-time User Support

You can customize run-time messages for end users who are using applications protected by Sentinel LDK Envelope. Sentinel LDK Envelope includes a set of message codes. Each code is mapped to a corresponding message that is displayed at run-time of the protected application.

In addition, you can choose to display a message for end users during startup of a protected application that explains there may be delays due to required data decryption.