.NET Interface

The Unified API .NET interface has been included in the Sentinel RMS SDK since v9.2.0 (though it existed since v9.0.0 and was available separately). The interface is built over the C libraries and allows you to integrate RMS licensing and related functionality in your .NET applications.

Obtaining this Interface

This interface is available at the following path in your Sentinel RMS Windows SDK installation: <installdir>\10.x\Development\DotNet-Unmanaged.

Supported .NET Versions

.NET Framework .NET Core

NET Framework 4.7.2

This is the minimum supported version since Sentinel RMS 9.8.

>.NET Core 5.0 support started from RMS 9.8

>.NET Core 6.0 support started from RMS 10.0

>.NET Core 7.0 support started from RMS 10.1 onwards.

What's Included in This Interface

This interface contains the:

>Source Code - Under the directories available at the following path: installdir>\Development\DotNet-Unmanaged

>Samples - See About Samples

>.NET Interface .dll files - The following DLLs (Column 1) are placed in the DotNet-Unmanaged directory. The libraries mentioned in Column 3 are the corresponding C language libraries that must be redistributed along:

.NET DLL Description Dependencies on C Language Libraries
SentinelLicensing.dll Consists of the Sentinel RMS Unified API for licensing your .NET applications. lsapiw32/64.dll
SentinelLicgenParser.dll Consists of the parse API implementation, used for decoding licenses. lsdcod32/64.dll
SentinelLmAdmin.dll Consists of the LmAdmin API implementation, used for terminating client sessions. lslmadmin32/64.dll
SentinelLsPmgmtinit.dll Consists of the LsPmgmtAPI implementation, used for persistence creation. lspmgmtinit32/64.dll
SentinelLsPmgmtclean.dll Consists of the LsPmgmtAPI implementation, used to reset and repair persistence information. lspmgmtclean32/64.dll