clientInfo—Client Information Supported in On-premises modeSupported in Lease modeSupported in Connected (Cloud LM) mode

NOTE   Since v9.2.0, the macro for obtaining Client Information is SNTL_QUERY_CLIENT_INFO_VERSION(v). Here, v represents the query version. Specify version under the double quotes, such as "1.0". The earlier macro SNTL_QUERY_CLIENT_INFO is deprecated hereafter.

NOTE   From RMS v9.5, query version 1.1 has been introduced to support license hard limit up to 4,294,967,294. This is applicable to license version 20 and above.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<sentinelQuery query="clientInfo" version="1.1"/>


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
	<client index="0"/>
Element Description


(Mandatory) Name of the feature. An IN parameter.


Version of the feature. An IN parameter.

client index

(Mandatory) Used to specify a particular client. An IN parameter.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Element Description
Client Information
userName The login name of the user using the application. In case of standalone licensing, the “default-sharing-ID” string will be returned.
hostId The host ID of the computer on which the user is working.
keyId The internal ID of the license currently issued to the user’s application. After starting up, the License Manager issues licenses with unique IDs until it is restarted.

The total number of units consumed by the current client being queried. Starting from v9.5, license version 20 or above, query v1.1 supports a hard limit of up to 4,294,967,294.

License Duration Information
startTime The time at which the current license code was issued by the License Manager.
endTime The time at which the user’s current license will expire if not renewed.
License Sharing-Related

NOTE   This field is deprecated. Use 'sharedClientCount' in place of this field.

Total number of clients sharing this particular license, including the current client being queried. If sharing is disabled, isSharing will be 0.

sharedClientCount Total number of clients sharing this particular license, including the current client being queried. If sharing is disabled, sharedClientCount will be 0.
hostName Name of the host/computer where the user is running the application. In case of standalone licensing, the “default-hostname” string will be returned.
xDisplayName Name of the X display where the user is displaying the application In case of standalone licensing, the “default x-display name” string will be returned.

NOTE   This field is deprecated. Use 'vendorDefinedSharingId' in place of this field.

A special vendor-defined ID that can be used for license sharing decisions.

vendorDefinedSharingId A special vendor-defined ID that can be used for license sharing decisions. The maximum length of the string is set to 31 characters. In case of standalone licensing, the “default-sharing-ID” string will be returned.
License Holding Information
isHolding Returns 0, if the user’s current license is held after expiration. Otherwise returns 1.
holdTime Specifies the hold time, in seconds, if any.
Commuter Information
isCommuted Returns 1, if the user has checked out the license from the network. Otherwise returns 0.
Group Reservation-Related
group Name of the reserved group to which the user belongs. If the user does not belong to an explicitly named group, DefaultGrp is returned.
totalTeamTokensResv Total reserved units. From RMS 9.5 onwards, query v1.1 supports license hard limit up to 4,294,967,294. This is applicable to license version 20 (or above).
reservedTeamTokensInUse Units given to teams from reserved pool.
unreservedTeamTokensInUse Units given to teams from unreserved pool.

NOTE   This field is deprecated. Use 'vendorUsageData' in place of this field.

The vendor usage data set during login or refresh.

The vendor usage data set during login or refresh.

Although you can set a string of up to 255 characters long during login or refresh, only up to 100 characters are shown here.

If no vendorUsageData is set in the refresh call, then the same vendorUsageData set during login is shown here. Similar behavior applies to auto-refresh calls.