Marking the Usage Files as Completed

The readyUsageForUpload action has been introduced in the sntl_licensing_transfer API for marking the running usage files as completed.

Declare Variables/Constants

#define CONTACT_SERVER	"localhost"

sntl_licensing_attr_t *pAttrAppContext = NULL;
sntl_licensing_app_context_t *pAppContext = NULL;
char *pcTransferActionReadyUsageForUpload = "<readyUsageForUpload />";

API Calls

Use the following API calls to mark the usage files as completed:


>sntl_licensing_attr_set(pAttrAppContext, SNTL_ATTR_APPCONTEXT_CONTACT_SERVER, CONTACT_ SERVER);

>sntl_licensing_app_context_new(0, pAttrAppContext, &pAppContext);

>sntl_licensing_transfer(pAppContext, pcTransferActionReadyUsageForUpload, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);