SCP Command-line Options

Various command-line options are available to perform SCP-related tasks, such as installing, starting, and configuring SCP.

>The command-line options work only for the applications running in network mode.

>You should execute the commands from the path where the SCP service is running, which is different in Windows and Linux.

The command-line options are categorized as:

>SCP Management Options

>SCP Configuration Options

General Options

Logging Options

Proxy Options

>Examples of Using SCP Command-line Options



SCP Management Options



Windows Linux

–install or –i

Installs the SCP service. This option does not take any input.

a x

–installstart or -is

Install and then start the SCP service. This option does not take any input.

a x


Starts the SCP service. This option does not take any input.

a a


Stops the SCP service. This option does not take any input.

a a


Restarts the SCP service. This option does not take any input.

a a


Checks if the SCP service is already running or not.

a a

-remove or –r

Removes the SCP service. This option does not take any input.

a x


Displays information on various options. This option does not take any input.

a a

–fr or –rf

Initiates forced refresh of the SCP service running already. During the refresh operation:

>The licenses are updated from SCC. 

>The usage is synched.

a a


Monitors the health of SCP and the RMS License Manager. This option logs the following details in the SCP log file:

>Directory Services URL

>License Manager URL

>List of customers

>Proxy settings, such as proxy mode and .pac file location.

>Logging settings, such as enable/disable status, log level, log type, and log file location.

>The configuration file path

>Previous network communication success time

>Current communication status with the RMS License Manager

a a

NOTE   On Linux:

>The commands start, stop, restart, and status are executed from the location /etc/init.d.

>Other commands are executed from the /usr/sbin location followed by the service name and list of arguments.

SCP Configuration Options

The command-line options described in this section are used to set SCP configuration properties. Consider the following points before using the command line configuration options:

>On Linux, to use the command line configuration options, you need to first stop SCP and then use the command-line option with SCP start. On Windows, you can directly use the restart option.

>The configuration options must be used in collaboration with the start option.

General Options




Overwrites the values given in the SCP configuration file.

NOTE   This flag is used to permanently write the values given on command-line to the configuration file. When this option is not used, by default, the command-line values temporarily override the values given in the configuration file.


Sets the URL of Directory Services (DS) provided as an input. For example:


Specifies the port number at which the RMS License Manager is running. This option takes port number as an input. The default value is 5093.


Specifies the customer ID defined in Sentinel EMS for which SCP fetches licenses. This option takes customer ID as an input.

NOTE   SCP supports only one customer ID.

-pkid Specifies the product key of the default or version-less product.

Specifies the variant of the version-less product.

In the input of this option, provide the ID of the version-less product followed by the ID of the variant (in the specific order).

For example:

Valid Input:

-pkid abc –productvariant one 


Invalid Input:

-productvariant one –pkid abc 
-productquantity Specifies the product quantity for which license needs to be retrieved. This is an optional property and used mostly when the fingerprint registration is disabled from EMS.
-friendlyname Specifies the fingerprint-friendly name.

Logging Options




Enable/disable logging. Valid values are:

>0: Logging is OFF

>1: Logging is ON


Specify the level of logging (Error/Debug). Possible values are:

>1: Error (Default)

>2: Debug


Specify the name and path of the log file.

NOTE   Currently, there is no limit on the maximum size of a log file.


Specify if a new log file should be created or the existing file should be appended. Possible values are:

>1: Create a new file for logging.

>2: Append the existing file for logging.


Specify whether to perform logging at system or file level. Possible values are:

>1: Logging is to be done in a file.

>2: Logging is to be done in the OS event logger.

Proxy Options




Set the no-proxy mode.

Manual Proxy Settings


Proxy host name or IP address.


Port at which proxy is running.


User name used for the proxy authentication. Specify this if you want the proxy authentication to be done by credentials other than the system credentials.


Proxy password used for the proxy authentication. Specify this if you want the proxy authentication to be done by credentials other than the system credentials.

Auto Proxy with PAC File Support Settings


Location of the auto-proxy configuration (.pac) file which is used for the proxy detection. Use this option for auto-proxy with .pac file support. This option takes URL or path of .pac file as input.

Examples of Using SCP Command-line Options

In all the examples given below, sntlcloudps refers to the name of the SCP executable.


To set ypsaddress, customerid, fingerprint-friendly name, licensemanagerport, and disable proxy:

sntlcloudps.exe –start –ypsaddress http://demo-yps/YPServer -customerid c1 -licensemanagerport 5093 –friendlyname machine1 –proxydisable

To configure ypsaddress, customerid, licensemanagerport, and manual proxy settings:

sntlcloudps.exe –start –ypsaddress http://demo-yps/YPServer -customerid c1 -proxyhost localhost –proxyuser sampleuser –proxypassword samplepwd –proxyport 5800 

To configure ypsaddress and customerid, and specify the auto-proxy through PAC:

sntlcloudps.exe –start –ypsaddress http://demo-yps/YPServer -customerid c1 -proxypac

To configure ypsaddress, customerid, and logging settings:

sntlcloudps.exe –start –ypsaddress http://demo-yps/YPServer -customerid c1 –logging 1 –loglevel 1 –logfilepath C:/logfilepath/scp.log –logfilemode 1 –logtype 1 

To overwrite ypsaddress and  customerid in the SCP configuration file:

sntlcloudps.exe –start –ypsaddress http://demo-yps/YPServer -customerid c1 

To configure ypsaddress, customerid, product key, variant, and fingerprint-friendly name:

sntlcloudps.exe –start –ypsaddress http://demo-yps/YPServer -customerid c1 –pkid 0ca278a5-b504-4be3-a969-99d0fc1b9376 –productvariant one –friendlyname machine1

To refresh licenses and sync usage when the SCP service is running:

sntlcloudps.exe –fr

To run the health check:

sntlcloudps.exe –hc


All the below commands are executed from the following path: /usr/sbin/.

NOTE   The commands shown below are for 32-bit applications. For 64-bit applications, replace sntlcloudps by sntlcloudps64.

To set ypsaddress, customerid, fingerprint-friendly name, licensemanagerport, and disable proxy:

./sntlcloudps –ypsaddress http://demo-yps/YPServer -customerid c1 -licensemanagerport 5093 –proxydisable

To configure ypsaddress, customerid, licensemanagerport, and manual proxy settings:

./sntlcloudps –ypsaddress http://demo-yps/YPServer -customerid c1 -proxyhost localhost –proxyuser sampleuser –proxypassword samplepwd –proxyport 5800 

To configure ypsaddress and customerid, and specify the auto-proxy through PAC:

./sntlcloudps –ypsaddress http://demo-yps/YPServer -customerid c1 -proxypac

To configure ypsaddress, customerid, and logging settings.

./sntlcloudps –ypsaddress http://demo-yps/YPServer -customerid c1 –logging 1 –loglevel 1 –logfilepath /home/logfilepath/scp.log –logfilemode 1 –logtype 1 

To overwrite ypsaddress and  customerid in the SCP configuration file:

./sntlcloudps –ypsaddress http://demo-yps/YPServer -customerid c1 -overwrite

To configure ypsaddress, customerid, product key, variant, and fingerprint-friendly name:

./sntlcloudps  –ypsaddress http://demo-yps/YPServer -customerid c1 –pkid 0ca278a5-b504-4be3-a969-99d0fc1b9376 –productvariant one –friendlyname machine1

To refresh licenses and sync usage when the SCP service is running:

./sntlcloudps –fr

To run the health check:

./sntlcloudps –hc