Deploying Isolated License Manager

Vendor Isolation feature allows developers to deploy customized isolated License Manager for a particular vendor. The vendor-specific License Manager can host licenses for a particular vendor only. This differs from the default licensing implementation of RMS where only one License Manager hosts licenses for all the vendors. For a more detailed introduction on the vendor isolation feature, refer to the Isolated License Managers chapter of the Sentinel RMS SDK Developer Guide.

Function Prototype

VLSvendorIsolation *pVendorIdentifier,
char LSFAR          **reservedBuffer,
unsigned long       *reserved


Enables developers to specify a vendor identifier for the customized vendor isolated License Manager. This identifier is appended to the isolated License Manager to distinguish it from the generic License Manager. For example, if we provide V1 as the vendor identifier, the isolated server name is modified to "Sentinel RMS License Manager_V1".

The signature of VLSenableVendorIsolation can be copied from the lserv.h header file.



Direction Data Type


pVendorIdentifier OUT VLSvendorIsolation

Vendor identifier. The vendor identifier. It needs to be a unique string consisting maximum of 25 alphanumeric characters.

reservedBuffer OUT Char

Reserved for future use.

reserved   Unsigned long Reserved for future use.

Steps to Perform

>Create the VLSenableVendorIsolation function. For more information on vendor isolation, refer to the sample sr_vi_demo.c .

> Update the LS_STATIC_LIB_PATH variable in the custom32.mak file to point to the path of IsolatedServer directory that contains the 32-bit static library for isolated License Manager.

> Update the SRV_VI_CPD_OBJS variable in the custom32.mak file.

>Set the port for the isolated License Manager. For a detailed description, see Changing the Default Port of the License Manager section.

>Set the TFTP port for the isolated License Manager. For a detailed description, see Changing the Default TFTP Port of the License Manager section. This optional step is required only when you are allowing redundant License Managers.

Code Snippet

The VLSenableVendorIsolation Function

   VLSvendorIsolation *pVendorIdentifier

char LSFAR **reservedBuffer, ) { if(pVendorIdentifier != NULL) strcpy(pVendorIdentifier->vendor_identifier, "V1");


The signature of VLSenableVendorIsolation can be copied from the lserv.h header file.

Executables to Rebuild

The License Manager executable needs to be rebuilt. Refer to the How to Use the custom32.mak File?.

Related Error Scenarios




The Sentinel RMS License Manager failed to start, either vendor identifier not set or the server has been built with incorrect server library.