VLSsetSharedIdValue/ VLSsetTeamIdValue


In case of a normal license:

LS_STATUS_CODE VLSsetSharedIdValue (
int	sharedId,
char	*sharedIdValue );

In case of a capacity license, you may use the VLSsetTeamIdValue macro which is a wrapper to the VLSsetSharedIdValue API:

int	teamId,
char	*teamIdValue );
Argument Description

sharedId/ teamId

Must be one of the following values:



A character buffer which can contain up to 32 characters.


Uses the value passed in by the caller as the shared ID for licensing purposes. For network use only.

This function goes along with VLSsetSharedId/ VLSsetTeamId and can be used to register a customized sharedId/ teamId value with the licensing library. You can explicitly provide the sharedId/ teamId itself using this function. The value of the sharedId/ teamId must be passed through the character buffer. All sharedId/ teamId character buffers will be truncated to 32 bytes. If you call both VLSsetSharedId and VLSsetSharedIdValue/ VLSsetTeamId and VLSsetTeamIdValue, VLSsetSharedId/ VLSsetTeamId has priority and the value set by VLSsetSharedIdValue/ VLSsetTeamIdValue will be ignored.

The same concept applies to VLSsetSharedIdValue/ VLSsetTeamIdValue function as VLSsetSharedId/ VLSsetTeamId function. The difference between VLSsetSharedId/ VLSsetTeamId and VLSsetSharedIdValue/ VLSsetTeamIdValue lies in the fact that VLSsetSharedId/ VLSsetTeamId function will make the VLSrequestExt internally send different IDs as returned by the Developer-Defined functions, whereas VLSsetSharedIdValue/ VLSsetTeamIdValue will make the VLSrequestExt send the same ID irrespective of the fact “who is running the client,” “from where the client is being run,” and so on.

The first priority is given to the developer defined functions as set by VLSsetSharedId/ VLSsetTeamId. If no developer defined function is found then the priority is passed to the SharedIdValue as set by VLSsetSharedIdValue/ VLSsetTeamIdValue function. If neither the developer defined function nor the developer defined SharedIdValue is found, the default functions are used.

VLSsetSharedIdValue should be used in case of normal license and VLSsetTeamIdValue should be used in case of capacity license.


The status code LS_SUCCESS is returned if successful. Otherwise, it will return the following error codes:

Error Code



An error occurred in the use of an internal buffer.

For a complete list of the error codes, see Licensing Library Error and Result Codes.