

Sets up persistence information on (License Manager) clients or standalone systems.

NOTE   Starting RMS 9.8, lsinit32/64.lib is available at ...\9.8\Legacy\Development\C\Lib\.


int	 	sntlInitStandaloneSystem (
char	 	*GUID,
char	 	*featN,
char	 	*featV); 	 	 
Argument Direction Data Type Description
GUID IN char*

The application installer's GUID (Global Unique Identifier). GUID is a unique 128-bit number that is produced by the Windows operating system or by some Windows applications to identify a particular component, application, file, database entry, and/or user.

featN IN char*

The application feature name.

featV IN char*

The application feature version.

On Windows, this function needs to be called only once for the given feature-version with unique values of input parameters, else the function will return an error.

On UNIX as well, the function must be called only once. But the API parameters are not significant here and can be passed as NULL. If any values are specified, they will be ignored on UNIX systems.

NOTE   The feature-version were made necessary for UNIX-based developers using version 8.0.9 of the RMS SDK. This was to maintain the license persistence information. However, post the 8.2.1 release, NULL can be specified.


The status code ERR_KEY_INFO_SUCCESS or ERR_INIT_INFO_EXISTS is returned if successful; otherwise, a specific status code is returned indicating the reason for failure.

NOTE   ERR_KEY_INFO_SUCCESS is returned when the API is called and persistence files are created. When the persistence files already exist, ERR_INIT_INFO_EXISTS is returned.

For a list of error codes, see System Initialization Error Codes.