JEE Runtime Considerations
The following considerations apply to protected JEE applications that will be deployed under Tomcat or GlassFish web servers:
>The account used by the person who deploys the protected JEE application for the end user must have the right to copy an additional JAR file to the /lib directory of the Tomcat installation. This JAR file (safenet-sentinel-hasp-api-j2ee.jar ) file contains the Licensing API that is required for the application to execute. Because this API loads a native component, it is necessary to place the API in the /lib directory of the Tomcat installation.
>Each time the protected application is restarted, stopped, or undeployed, several minutes may be required for the ServletContextListener to complete its function. The amount of time required depends on the background check value and the cache expiration selected for the protected application.
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