Encrypting and Decrypting Data Buffers

You can use Sentinel LDK ToolBox to access the encryption engine in a Sentinel protection key. The encryption engine is used to encrypt and decrypt data buffers. Using Sentinel LDK ToolBox, you generate code that contains the encrypted data buffers. Later, this code can be integrated in your application’s source code.

Data encryption is performed during development, before a protected program is run. Data decryption takes place during program runtime.

To insert encrypted data into your program source code:

1.Select hasp_login in the (Licensing API) Function pane. The hasp_login screen is displayed.

2.Enter all required login information in the hasp_login screen.

3.Click Execute.

4.Select hasp_encrypt from the Function pane. The hasp_encrypt screen is displayed.

5.Use the memory editor to input the data you want to encrypt. Use the left side of the editor to input data in binary form, or the right side to input ASCII characters. If your data is saved in a separate file, click Load to navigate to and load the file.

6.Click Execute.

7.Select hasp_decrypt from the Function pane.

The hasp_decrypt screen is displayed.

CAUTION!   Do not click Execute after switching from the hasp_encrypt to the hasp_decrypt screen. Clicking the execute command will decrypt the data buffer and insert unencrypted text into your application source.

8.To insert the encrypted data into your source code, copy the code displayed in the Generated Code pane and paste it into your application's source code.

Related Topics

Using Sentinel LDK ToolBox

Function Pane

Generating Source Code

Accessing the Sentinel Licensing API Reference

Examining the Sentinel Licensing API