Search Features
Returns a list of Features for the provided Vendor ID and parameters.
Method Type | URI |
/v90/ws/vendor/{vendorId}/ ?featureName={featureName} &refId1={refId1} &refId2={refId2} &pageIndex={pageIndex} &pageSize={pageSize} |
Example URL: http://hostname:8080/ems/v90/ws/vendor/1/ &refId2=CRMN35&pageIndex=5&pageSize=10
URI Parameters
Parameter | Description | Type |
vendorId | (Required) Identifier of the Vendor in the database. | Integer |
featureName | (Optional) Feature name. | String |
pageIndex | (Optional) The starting page number. | Integer (>0) |
pageSize | (Optional) The number of customers retrieved by one request. | Integer (>0) |
refId1 | (Optional) Reference ID 1. Identifier of the Feature in another system like CRM/ERP. | String |
refId2 | (Optional) Reference ID 2. | String |
Sample Request
Not applicable.
Sample Response
HTTP Status Code: 200
Response Header:
X-Total-Count: The total number of entries. You can use X-Total-Count to calculate the total number of pages by dividing X-Total-Count by pageSize (X-Total-Count÷pageSize=number of pages). For example, suppose your application returns an X-Total-Count of 17 and the pageSize is 15. 17÷15=1.333 or 2 pages in total because each page includes a maximum of 15 entries. Similarly, suppose your application returns an X-Total-Count of 1103 and the pageSize is 15. 1103÷15=73.533 or 74 pages in total.
Response Body
<listResponse type="feature" count="8"> <instance id="15" name="feature sample name13" identifier="8" /> <instance id="13" name="feature sample name11" identifier="7" /> <instance id="11" name="feature sample name9" identifier="6" /> <instance id="9" name="feature sample name7" identifier="5" /> <instance id="7" name="feature sample name6" identifier="4" /> <instance id="6" name="feature sample name16" identifier="3" /> <instance id="5" name="feature sample name1" identifier="2" /> <instance id="1" name="feature sample name0" identifier="1" /> </listResponse>
NOTE The order of the search result is decided on the basis of FTRId which acts as a unique identifier for each feature in the database.
Response Body:
<listResponse type="feature" count="0"/>