Get Entitlement Details (XML) by entId

Returns a list of line items, with Products, Features, and License Model, for the provided entId. Eid and createdBy are automatically included in the response body.

Method Type URI
GET v90/ws/entitlement/{entId}.ws

URI Parameters

Parameter Description Type

The unique identifier for the Entitlement in the database.

NOTE   This is different from the Entitlement ID string. Examples:

>entId: 10 (integer)

>Entitlement ID (or EID): gd5f6vfg-y57f-he55-3r5d7w9g7tx3 (string)

Integer (>0)

Sample Request

Not applicable.

Sample Response


HTTP Status Code: 200

NOTE   If your entitlement contains memory segments with blank spaces in addition to the content, then the XML returned by the Get Entitlement web service will replace the blank spaces with all zeros. To re-use this XML, replace the content (including the zeros) with its hexadecimal equivalent so that memory data is correctly updated in Sentinel LDK-EMS and can be referred to in both the web service and GUI without any issues.

Response Body:

		    <parameterGroupName>Deployment Attibute</parameterGroupName>
		    <parameterSubGroupName>Deployment Attibute</parameterSubGroupName>
		    <parameterGroupName>Deployment Attibute</parameterGroupName>
		    <parameterSubGroupName>Deployment Attibute</parameterSubGroupName>
		    <valueOption>Count Based</valueOption>
		    <valueOption>Time Based</valueOption>
		    <parameterGroupName>Usage Type</parameterGroupName>
		    <parameterSubGroupName>Usage Type</parameterSubGroupName>
	    <parameterSubGroupName>License Validity</parameterSubGroupName>
       <attributeValue>2500-12-31 00:00</attributeValue>
	    <parameterSubGroupName>License Validity</parameterSubGroupName>
      <attributeValue>2016-10-03 00:00</attributeValue>
	    <parameterGroupName>Deployment Attibute</parameterGroupName>
	    <parameterSubGroupName>Deployment Attibute</parameterSubGroupName>
	    <parameterGroupName>Deployment Attibute</parameterGroupName>
	    <parameterSubGroupName>Deployment Attibute</parameterSubGroupName>
	    <parameterGroupName>Vendor Attribute</parameterGroupName>
	    <parameterSubGroupName>Vendor Attribute</parameterSubGroupName>


>0 - Station

>1 - Login

>2 - Process


>1 - Per login

>2 - Per Identity

>3 - Per Identity per station


HTTP Status Code: 404

Response Body: Entitlement does not exist. Try again with a correct entId.