Execution-limited Concurrent End Users in a Network

Sentinel LDK Functionality Manages the number of concurrent software end users in a network and the maximum number of software executions
Software Distribution Method

>Physical package

>Electronic distribution

Applicable Key Types

>All Sentinel HL (Driverless configuration) keys except Sentinel HL Basic

>Sentinel SL (including CL)

Protection Method

>Envelope-based automatic implementation

>API-based automatic implementation


A combined concurrency- and execution-limited network license restricts both the number of end users concurrently accessing the licensed application in a network environment and the total number of executions for each license. The same license can be used by more than one end user or machine, so long as the total number of users remains within the concurrency limit. The number of executions is calculated across the network, regardless of which end user runs your software or on which machine it is run.

Sentinel Admin Control Center provides the end users’ system administrator with the tools to track license users, and to terminate an unused session.


1.Select the executable file or software function that you want to license, and determine by which Feature ID the file or function will be identified.

2.Select your protection method:

Envelope-based automatic implementation
Protect the executable file using Sentinel LDK Envelope, specifying its Feature ID.

API-based automatic implementation
In your code, insert a Sentinel Licensing API Login call to the Feature ID.

NOTE   If your protection method is feature-based, apply API-based automatic implementation; if your protection method is for each executable file, you can apply either Sentinel LDK Envelope-based or Sentinel Licensing API-based automatic implementation.

3.In Sentinel LDK-EMS:

a.Create a Product that includes the Feature ID, and define the maximum number of executions.

b.Set the concurrency counter to the required number of concurrent licenses, and determine whether the concurrent instances will be counted for each station, each login or each process.

4.Distribute your software with the appropriate network-based Sentinel protection key programmed with the license.