License for Testing Protected Applications

Sentinel LDK Functionality

Issues cloud-based licenses that enable internal users to test protected applications without the risk that unauthorized users will be able to run the applications.

Software Distribution Method

>Physical package

>Electronic distribution

Applicable Key Types

Sentinel CL

Protection Method

>Envelope-based automatic implementation

>API-based automatic implementation


To enable testing of a protected application, software vendors typically hosts a network license in their LAN and allows internal users such as QA to use it for testing and education.

If a vendor wants to prevent unauthorized users from accessing the license, they can use a cloud-enabled SL license to grant access to the protected application, and provide only authorized users with the required client identities to run the application. The vendor can further limit the validity of the client identities by including an expiration date and restricting the client identity to the relevant application.


1.Determine which executable file you want to license, and determine by which Feature ID it will be identified.

2.Select your protection method:

Envelope-based automatic implementation
Protect the executable file using Sentinel LDK Envelope, specifying its Feature ID.

API-based automatic implementation
In your code, insert a Sentinel Licensing API Login call to the Feature ID.

3.In Sentinel LDK-EMS:

a.Create a Product that includes the Feature ID. Set the license type to Time Period or Expiration Date. Include:

Parameters for the license expiration.

Concurrency counter to the required maximum number of concurrent licenses, and determine whether concurrent instances will be counted for each station, each login or each process.

TIP   You can specify the licensing parameters each time an entitlement is created. This enables you to use the same Product to produce licenses for testing different applications.

b.Use Produce & Push to install the SL license on your Cloud license server.

4.Use Sentinel Cloud Portal to generate a client identity for the Product.

5.Distribute the client identity and the protected application to the relevant personnel in your organization.