Time-based Overdraft

Sentinel LDK Functionality Manages the time period over which software can be used
Software Distribution Method

>Physical package

>Electronic distribution

Applicable Key Types

>All Sentinel HL (Driverless configuration) keys except Sentinel HL Basic

>Sentinel SL (including CL)

Protection Method API-based automatic implementation


A differential pricing structure is implemented, in which a nominal price is charged for use of your software until a defined expiration date. Following expiration, a higher price may be charged for a limited period, to enable the end user to continue using your software until the license is renewed.


1.Select the executable file that you want to license, and determine by which Feature ID it will be identified.

2.In your code, insert a Sentinel Licensing API Login call to the Feature ID.

3.In Sentinel LDK-EMS, create a Product that includes the Feature ID and define either an expiration date or the number of days until expiration. Include both the regular usage period and the overdraft period in the time that you define.

4.Envelope your software for additional security (optional).

5.Distribute your software with the appropriate Sentinel protection key programmed with the license.

6.Using the Sentinel Licensing API and the key’s built-in clock:

a.Calculate the time period.

b.When the regular usage period terminates, display a message informing the end user that the usage is now subject to overdraft terms and state the expiration date of the overdraft period.

c.When the end user renews the license, billing includes payment for the overdraft usage in addition to the license renewal.

d.After payment has been received, renew the license remotely using the RUS utility.