
Sentinel LDK Functionality Enables a network-based license to be detached to a separate machine while locked to a Sentinel SL key
Software Distribution Method Electronic distribution
Applicable Key Types Sentinel SL (including CL)
Protection Method

>Envel ope-based automatic implementation

>API-based automatic implementation


A volume license enables you to sell a pool of licenses to an organization, without requiring product activation on every machine, while still enforcing the maximum number of installed workstations.

A license can be temporarily detached from the network pool to enable off-line use of your software. In this case, a client machine periodically detaches a time-limited license at predefined intervals—transparently to the end user. The license is installed locally and remains usable even if the network connectivity is lost, as long as the detachment is still valid.


1.Select the executable file that you want to license, and determine by which Feature ID it will be identified.

2.Select your protection method:

Envelope-based automatic implementation
Protect the executable file using Sentinel LDK Envelope, specifying its Feature ID.

API-based automatic implementation
In your code, insert a Sentinel Licensing API Login call to the Feature ID.

3.In Sentinel LDK-EMS, create a Product that contains the Feature ID used in the protection phase of the implementation. Ensure that the license terms enable network concurrency, locking to a Sentinel SL key, and detachable licenses.

4.Distribute your software with a Sentinel SL key for network use, ensuring that the system administrator at your end-user site knows how to permit and manage detachable licenses.

5.Using the Sentinel Licensing API, implement the license’s detachment in the protected application. You may wish to let the customer organization decide the detached license period and renewal intervals.