Uninstalling the App

This section describes how to uninstall Sentinel Pulse app from your Salesforce org.

In this section:


>Deleting the Sentinel Pulse App

>Removing Assigned Users Permission Sets

>Removing the Connections

>Uninstalling Sentinel Pulse Package


Ensure that you are logged in to the Salesforce org as an administrator.

Deleting the Sentinel Pulse App

Perform the following steps to delete the Sentinel Pulse app: .

1.Click App Launcher and search for Analytics Studio.

2.Click Browse under Analytics, and filter by Apps.

3.Click the Sentinel Pulse app.

4.Click Delete.

This deletes the Sentinel Pulse app from the Salesforce org.

Removing Assigned Users Permission Sets

Perform the following steps to remove the permissions assigned:

1.Click Setup > Users > Permission Sets

2.Select Sentinel Sales User and click on it.

3.Click Manage Assignments.

4.Delete all the users listed.

5.Similarly, perform steps 1 to 4 for Sentinel Pulse Operations with Accounts Access permission set.

This deletes all the users that were assigned to Sentinel Sales User and Sentinel Pulse Operations with Accounts Access permission sets.

6.Go to Setup > Users > Permission Sets, and delete Sentinel Pulse Operations with Accounts Access permission set.

Removing the Connections

1.Click App Launcher and search for Data Manager.

2.Click Connections.

Deleting Sentinel Pulse Input Connection

a.Click Sentinel Pulse Input connection under Input tab.

b.Disconnect each object listed under Sentinel Pulse Input connection.

For example, the following image illustrates how to disconnect 'TransactionData' object. Do this for all the objects.

c.After disconnecting all the objects, delete the input connection as illustrated in the following image.

Disconnecting SentinelPulse__Account_Customer_Mapping__c Connection

a.Disconnect the SentinelPulse__Account_Customer_Mapping__c connection as illustrated in the following image.

Deleting Sentinel Pulse Output Connection

a.Click Sentinel Pulse Output connection under Output tab, and delete the connection as illustrated in the following image.

Uninstalling Sentinel Pulse Package

Perform the following steps to uninstall the Sentinel Pulse package:

1.Click on the gear icon on the top right.

2.Click Setup.

3.In the Quick Find box, type Installed Packages and click on it.

4.Click Uninstall next to Sentinel Pulse app.

When the uninstallation is complete, you will get a notification on your email.

NOTE   The uninstallation removes only the package from the Salesforce org. Anything configured beyond the installation on Salesforce remains in the org.