logout (with attributes) Supported in On-premises modeSupported in Lease modeSupported in Connected (Cloud LM) mode

Interface Information

>This API belongs to SentinelLicensing.jar.

>The corresponding library is Sentinel RMS licensing library.


Releases the license authorization. This API also allows passing additional values for specific purposes at the time of releasing a license authorization.


void logout(Attribute attribute)


Parameter Description
attribute [in]

The attribute object.
The attributes that can be set are described below.


The table below provides details about the attributes that can be set:

# Attribute for... Key and Description
1 Setting the license release unitsSupported in On-premises modeSupported in Lease modeSupported in Connected (Cloud LM) mode


>This attribute is used for setting the number of license units to be released partially out of the number of units set during login (using the SNTL_ATTR_LOGIN_UNITS_REQUIRED attribute). For example, if the license units set during the login call is 5 and it is required at some point of time that 2 units out of 5 are to be held, and the remaining 3 can be released. In this scenario, the value of the SNTL_ATTR_LOGOUT_UNITS_TO_RELEASE attribute can be set to 3. In this scenario, two implicit entries for release and request are created in the License Manager usage log.

>You can specify a numeric value not exceeding INT_MAX.

>From RMS v9.5, license hard limit up to 4,294,967,294 is supported. This is applicable to license version 20 and above.

2 Setting the vendor usage dataSupported in On-premises modeSupported in Lease modeSupported in Connected (Cloud LM) mode


>This attribute is used for setting the vendor data to be recorded in the usage log file.

>You can specify a string consisting of up to 255 characters, including letters, numbers, and special characters and excluding number sign (#) and comma (,) as these are reserved characters.

The following points are applicable to Sentinel RMS usage log only:

>Only up to 100 characters are shown in the usage vendor log (even when a longer string is specified).

>If vendor usage data attribute consists of multiple words, each will be anonymized individually, only if they are separated using a space. In general, avoid specifying the same entry (or word) twice in the vendor usage data attribute as the "uniquely" anonymized data will be repeated.

>The spaces in the vendor usage data attribute are replaced with underscores (_). Also, the keyword <an> itself is not anonymized and is replaced by an underscore (_) in the resulting usage log line record.

>To complete the vendor usage data attribute anonymization process, the system administrator must have also allowed anonymity of user information (either by setting the LS_LOG_ANONYMITY environment variable or using the -log-anonymity License Manager start-up option).

NOTE   The vendor usage data passed using this attribute will not be visible in the Vendor usage data report of the Sentinel Entitlement Management system. Use the SNTL_ATTR_LOGIN_VENDOR_USAGE_DATA attribute of the sntl_licensing_login_attr API for setting the vendor usage data in the report. This report is available for the SCL Add-on for RMS users only.

The following points are applicable for SCL Add-on for RMS:

>The entire string, with the maximum allowed length of 255 characters, is shown in the usage vendor log.

>From RMS 9.7 onwards, this attribute will set vendor usage data for logout API only and will not impact any other API calls. However, the logout API may make two implicit entries for release and request when used with SNTL_ATTR_LOGOUT_UNITS_TO_RELEASE attribute. These implicit entries will also have the same vendor usage data.

3 Setting the usage count multiplierSupported in On-premises modeSupported in Lease modeSupported in Connected (Cloud LM) mode


>This attribute is applicable to the Lease mode.

>The value passed using this attribute is known as the logout usage count multiplier.

>The usage count value is defined by the vendor to calculate usage during a particular licensing session. Usually, each session consumes one count per a login-refresh-logout call sequence. At times, vendor may want to represent this consumption differently, then a usage count multiplier value can be specified—at the start of the session (login), update (refresh), and its end (logout).

>For a particular session, login, refresh, and logout usage count values will be added (by Sentinel EMS end) to calculate the usage count multiplier for reports generation and billing purposes.

>You can specify only positive numeric values, not exceeding INT_MAX, as the usage count multiplier.

Exception Handling

If unsuccessful, throws LicensingException or UnsupportedEncodingException.