Lease Job Synchronization Error and Result Codes

The following table provides error codes with their corresponding descriptions.

Error/Status Code Description
-2 Node registration is in progress.
-1 Job is in progress.

>License addition or removal operation completed.

>Lease license is already active.

1 Lease synchronization is in the suspended state.
12 Out of memory.
22 Invalid argument.
1004 Invalid parameter: machineId.
1007 Invalid parameter: vendorID.
1008 Invalid request message.
1009 Request from this vendor ID is not supported.
1010 Invalid web service URL.
1011 The request XML is not well formed.
1015 Internal error.
1017 License is not in active state.
1018 License is expired.
1019 License is disabled/closed.
1020 License is revoked.
1021 The maximum concurrent user limit reached.
1022 The maximum usage count reached.
1023 The license does not exist or is not in active state.
1025 Session terminated.
1037 EID is not registered for customer.
1038 The maximum station count is reached.
1039 License does not exist.
1046 Either the machine is not registered with the entitlement, product key, or variant, or the product key is not specified in the SCP configuration file for the network mode..
1048 Either identity supplied is null or different from the one passed in current. license state request.
1057 Either the machine is not registered with the entitlement, product key, or variant, or the product key is not specified in the SCP configuration file for the standalone mode.
1058 Invalid parameter: Fingerprint-friendly name cannot be greater than 255 characters.
1059 Invalid parameter: Entitlement IDs.
1060 Either fingerprint-friendly name has been used before or the machine fingerprint has changed.
1061 Both the Entitlement Id and Product Key Id are not allowed at the same time for activation.
1062 No Product Keys/variants are matched or given for activation.
1063 For entitlement-as-a-whole true, either provide all product keys or none.
1064 Total quantity should be multiple of Fixed quantity.
1065 Product key does not exist.
1066 Cancel lease failed.
1067 Activation cannot be performed because the remaining quantity is less than the full quantity.
1068 All machines are not registered with entitlement for this customer as majority rule is true for redundancy.
1069 Machine already has a lease for a different variant.
1070 There is no active lease to cancel.
1071 All features in the entitlement have expired.
1072 Fingerprint-friendly name does not exist.
1073 Customer does not exist.
1074 Concurrent request not supported for same fingerprint/product.
1075 Locking criteria is missing.
65535 Internal error.
100001 Invalid message.
100002 No authorization server mapped to given vendor Id.
100005 No authorization server mapped to given vendor Id.
100006 No SCC server mapped to given vendor Id.
100007 Module not initialized.
100008 Invalid license type supplied.
100009 Invalid message.
100010 Supported algorithm not provided.
100011 Insufficient buffer provided.
100012 Unknown error.
100013 Invalid YPS address specified. Provide a valid YPS address.


Error in network communication. Check the YPS address (in the configuration file), internet connection and proxy settings.

100017 Error in creating the HTTP header.
100018 Dependent library not found.
100019 Error in serializing XML.
100020 Invalid data length.


Invalid proxy credentials.

100023 Authentication failed from server. Use correct date/time.
100024 The SCC list received is different from the SCC list currently used. It can be due to change in the infrastructure. Try to force refresh and try again.
100025 Error in creating the log file. Check if the log file path specified is valid and service has adequate permissions.


The HTTP request has timed out. Check the YPS address (in configuration file), internet connection and proxy settings.


Failed to set proxy while communicating with the server.


The response received from YPS cannot be parsed.


The connection to server was abnormally terminated.


Unable to resolve the hostname.

100031 Connection timed out while receiving response from server.
100002 No authorization server mapped to given vendor Id.
100016 Error in network communication. Check the YPS address (in the configuration file), internet connection and proxy settings.
100023 Authentication failed from server. Use correct date and time.
100026 Request to YPS has been timed out.
100028 The response received from YPS cannot be parsed.
100029 The connection to YPS was abnormally terminated.
100030 Unable to resolve the hostname of YPS.


Internal error.

200002 Process shut down is in progress.


File not found.


Resource already exists.


Configuration file not found.


Invalid attribute values are inserted or mandatory values are not filled in.


Invalid library.


Problem in parsing the SCP configuration file. Verify the XML file and/or tags.

To troubleshoot trace issues while fetching lease, refer the following possible error codes and description.

Error/Status Code Description
16001 Trying to add standalone license in network mode.
16004 Invalid input in web service request.
16009 Invalid value in XML tag.
16010 No more features available on the License Manager.