serverInfo—License Manager Information Supported in On-premises modeSupported in Lease mode

NOTE   Since v9.2.0, the macro for obtaining License Manager Information is SNTL_QUERY_SERVER_INFO_VERSION(v). Here, v represents the query version. Specify version under the double quotes, such as "1.0". The earlier macro SNTL_QUERY_SERVER_INFO is deprecated hereafter.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<sentinelQuery query="serverInfo" version="1.0"/>


<!-- empty scope as the License Manager is set using the SNTL_ATTR_APPCONTEXT_CONTACT_SERVER attribute -->
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Elements Description
majorVersion The major version number. For example, in, the major version is 9.
minorVersion The minor version number. For example, in, the minor version is 2.
pointId The point identifier. For example, in, the point identifier is 0.
buildId The build identifier. For example, in, the build identifier is 86.
locale The locale for which the License Manager was built.
vendorLicenseManagerId Vendor-specified License Manager identifier. The default value is a null string.
osFamily The operating system family. For example, Microsoft Windows or UNIX.
ipAddress The IP address of the License Manager.
hostName The hostname of the License Manager.