Configuration File

The licensed application reads its configuration settings from an XML-based configuration file during initialization. +


The name of the configuration file is: SentinelLicensing.xml.


You need to copy the properties to your application's configuration file. For example, in the case of console application, copy the file content to App.config. In the case of a web-based application, copy the file content to web.config.


The configuration file should be stored in UTF-8 format.

List of Configuration Properties

Here is a comprehensive list of all the available configuration properties.

Category Property Change Required Source
Directory Services


Address of the Directory Services server.


<add key="YPSAddress" value="https://localhost:443/YPServer" />
Mandatory E-mail from Thales


Period in seconds after which the licensed application processes the periodic job requests and sends usage logs to the Cloud.


<add key="UsageSyncFrequency" value="300" />




Name used for proxy authentication. Specify this if you want the proxy authentication to be done by credentials other than the system credentials.


<add key="ProxyUser" value ="username" />
Optional Vendor


Password used for proxy authentication. Specify this if you want the proxy authentication to be done by credentials other than the system credentials.


<add key="ProxyPassword" value ="password" />
Optional Vendor
.NET Specific- Logging

Log4net - level

Logging level for the run-time.

The following levels are defined in order of increasing priority:

>ALL – All the messages for log level DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, and FATAL are logged.

>DEBUG – Debug information is logged, along with INFO, WARN, ERROR, and FATAL log messages.

> INFO – Tracing information is logged, along with WARN, ERROR, and FATAL log messages.

>WARN – Warning messages are logged, along with ERROR and FATAL log messages.

>ERROR – General error messages are logged, along with FATAL log messages.

>FATAL – Only fatal errors are logged.

>OFF - No logs are maintained.


<level value="ERROR" />
Optional Vendor
.NET Specific- Logging

Log4net – logging location

The location of the Cloud Run-time log file. Change the value of “File”. This property does not support internationalized characters.


<param name="File" value="RunTime.log" />
Optional Vendor
.NET Specific- Logging

Log4net – maximumFileSize

The size of the Cloud Run-time log file. Change the value of “maximumFileSize”.


<maximumFileSize value="1MB" />
Optional Vendor
.NET Specific- Caching


The interval after which cache items are checked for expiration.




Do not change.

.NET Specific- Caching


Sets the maximum number of elements in cache before scavenging. Change the value of “maximumElementsInCacheBeforeScavenging”.




Do not change.

.NET Specific- Caching


Sets the numbers of items that will be removed from cache when its size reaches to maximum.




Do not change.


If any configuration property is updated, the application restart is required to apply the updated settings

Proxy Support

This section describes the various levels of support for proxy environments by licensed applications, which use the connected mode.


A licensed application uses the default system proxy settings, as set for Internet LAN Settings by your network administrator. You are not required to perform any proxy-specific changes when the application runs in a proxy or no-proxy environment.

The following are the supported proxy types:

>Automatically detect settings

In this mode, the client looks for the WPAD server (on which the wpad.dat configuration file is located).

NOTE    The proxy detection is performed by using either DNS or DHCP. The client connects to the WPAD server to obtain the automatic web proxy settings. In the look-up operation, DHCP has higher priority than DNS. The WPAD-enabled client first looks up DHCP to find the WPAD server, and if the desired information is not obtained, DNS is looked up.

WPAD will be picked up when the URL is in the following pattern:




>Use automatic configuration script

In this case, the proxy auto-configuration (PAC) script file, the path of which is specified in system settings, is used to establish the connection.

>Proxy server

The proxy server host and port defined in system settings are used to establish the connection.

If you want the proxy authentication to be done by credentials other than the system credentials, uncomment the Manual Proxy Settings section in the configuration file, and configure the ProxyUser and ProxyPassword properties.

On priority, the application checks the credentials from the configuration file. However, if credentials are not specified in the configuration file, system credentials are picked.

If the connection is not established using any of the proxy types defined above (that is if the wpad.dat file is not found or if proxy is not detected while running wpad.dat), the application will run as if no proxy is set.

Limitations on Proxy Support (.NET)

>A web application created using the .NET Unified APIs (for the connected mode) does not run in proxy environment.

What are the actions recommended for vendors with regard to proxy settings?

We recommend vendors to perform the following:

>Include the proxy behavior of the SCL-licensed application (which uses the connected mode) in your product documentation.

>Add proxy related information in the troubleshooting section of your manuals.

>Update your technical support regarding the proxy behavior of the SCL licensed application.