Configuration File

The licensed application reads its configuration settings from an XML-based configuration file during initialization.


The name of the configuration file is: SentinelLicensing.xml.


The configuration file should be placed at the class path of your application.


The configuration file should be stored in UTF-8 format.

List of Configuration Properties

Here is a comprehensive list of all the available configuration properties.

Category Property Change Required Source
Directory Services


Address of the Directory Services server.


<YPSAddress value="https://localhost:443/YPServer" />
Mandatory E-mail from Thales


Period in seconds after which the licensed application processes the periodic job requests and sends usage logs to the Cloud.


<UsageSyncFrequency value="300" />




Name used for proxy authentication. Specify this if you want the proxy authentication to be done by credentials other than the system credentials.


<ProxyUser value ="username" />
Optional Vendor


Password used for proxy authentication. Specify this if you want the proxy authentication to be done by credentials other than the system credentials.


<ProxyPassword value ="password" />
Optional Vendor

If any configuration property is updated, the application restart is required to apply the updated settings

Proxy Support

This section describes the various levels of support for proxy environments by licensed applications, which use the connected mode.


A licensed application uses the default system proxy settings, as set for Internet LAN Settings by your network administrator. You are not required to perform any proxy-specific changes when the application runs in a proxy or no-proxy environment.

The following are the supported proxy types:

>Automatically detect settings

In this mode, the client looks for the WPAD server (on which the wpad.dat configuration file is located).

NOTE    The proxy detection is performed by using DNS. The client connects to the WPAD server to obtain the automatic web proxy settings.

WPAD will be picked up when the URL is in the following pattern:




>Use automatic configuration script

In this case, the proxy auto-configuration (PAC) script file, the path of which is specified in system settings, is used to establish the connection.

>Proxy server

The proxy server host and port defined in system settings are used to establish the connection.

If you want the proxy authentication to be done by credentials other than the system credentials, uncomment the Manual Proxy Settings section in the configuration file, and configure the ProxyUser and ProxyPassword properties.

To provide the proxy server credentials, uncomment the Manual Proxy Settings section in the configuration file, and configure the ProxyUser and ProxyPassword properties.

> If none of the proxy types (as defined above) is set, the application will run without proxy. If the connection is not established using any of the configured proxy settings, the error 2004 is returned.

> The application restart is required for the application to pick the updated values of 'ProxyUser' and 'ProxyPassword' from the configuration file. It means that the application context needs to be initialized again to apply the updated configurations.


The system settings, as defined using the environment variables: https_proxy and http_proxy, are used to define the proxy behavior on Linux.

1.The licensed application picks the value of the http_proxy variable, and then the value of the https_proxy variable. The connection is first attempted using https_proxy, and if not established, the value of the http_proxy variable is used.

Examples of setting https_proxy and http_proxy:

export https_proxy=
export http_proxy=

2.If both https_proxy and http_proxy are not specified, auto proxy is used to establish the connection. The application will search for the wpad server entries in DNS. If found, the application will download the wpad.dat file, retrieve the proxy server's IP address, and use the IP address to connect to the cloud.

3.If the connection is not established using auto proxy (that is, wpad is not configured), the application will run as if no proxy is set.

NOTE   Both https_proxy and http_proxy are case-sensitive.

Limitations on Proxy Support (Java)

>(Windows) A web application created using the Java Unified APIs (for the connected mode) does not run in proxy environment.

>(Windows) The PAC file will not work if the IP address contains leading space characters.

>(Windows) The Java client does not pick system credentials for establishing a connection in the proxy environment.

>(Linux) If http_proxy is not set, proxy settings https_proxy and http_proxy are not picked.

>(Linux) Auto proxy with PAC is not supported.

>(Linux) Proxy authentication using system credentials is not supported.

>(Windows and Linux) DHCP is not supported.

What are the actions recommended for vendors with regard to proxy settings?

We recommend vendors to perform the following:

>Include the proxy behavior of the SCL-licensed application (which uses the connected mode) in your product documentation.

>Add proxy related information in the troubleshooting section of your manuals.

>Update your technical support regarding the proxy behavior of the SCL licensed application.