appContextInfo—Application Context Information Supported in On-premises modeSupported in Lease modeSupported in Connected (Cloud LM) mode

NOTE   Since v9.2.0, the macro for obtaining Application Context Information is SNTL_QUERY_APPCONTEXT_INFO_VERSION(v). Here, v represents the query version. Specify version under the double quotes, such as "1.0". The earlier macro SNTL_QUERY_APPCONTEXT_INFO is deprecated hereafter.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<sentinelQuery query="appContextInfo" version="1.0"/>


<!-- empty scope as the application context is set for a particular session only -->
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
Element Description
enableAutoRefresh The settings used for configuring the automatic license refresh process.
broadcastInterval The settings used for configuring the broadcast interval.
contactServer The host name or IP address of the system hosting the License Manager.
controlRemoteSession The settings used for the specifying licensing behavior for terminal sessions and RDP connections.
defaultErrorHandler The default error handler.
enableLocalRenewal The settings used for configuring the local renewal of the license authorization.
hostName The customized host name (in the usage logs).
networkTimeOut The timeout interval for communication between the licensed application and the License Manager (in seconds).
requestGrace The settings used for configuring the grace period.
serverPort The License Manager port set.
traceLevel The trace level set used for obtaining the trace logs.
vendorDefinedSharingId The value passed in by the vendor as the shared ID for licensing purposes. For network licensing only.
xDisplayName Name of the X display where the user is displaying the application. In case of standalone licensing, the “default x-display name” string” is returned.
minimumSigningKeyIndex The signing key index set on the client-side.
enableExhaustiveBroadcast The discovery mechanism for License Managers.
contactServerList The list of License Managers.