lockCodeInfo—Locking Code Information Supported in On-premises modeSupported in Lease mode

NOTE   The macro for obtaining Locking Code Information is SNTL_QUERY_LOCK_CODE_INFO_VERSION(v). Here, v represents the query version. Specify version under the double quotes, such as "1.0". This macro is introduced in v9.2.0.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<sentinelQuery query="lockCodeInfo" version="1.0"/>


The scopes below are segregated for two cases—Case A and Case B.

In case A, the fingerprint XML of a different system is provided to generate locking code. This is helpful in scenarios when the locking code is generated for another/remote system.

In case B, the fingerprint XML is not required in scope as it obtains the locking code of the same system.

Case A: Locking Code Scope for the Specified Fingerprint

NOTE   In the scope XML below, make sure that you have removed the start and end elements of <sentinelInfo> in fingerprintInfo output. The highlighted part below is an example of how to use fingerprint XML in scope.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
	<!-- The lock selector is mandatory.-->
	<fingerprint checksum="" version="1.1" type="SentinelRMS">
			<name>ID Prom</name>
			<name>IP Address</name>
			<name>Disk ID</name>
			<name>Host Name</name>
			<name>Ethernet Address</name>

			<name>Network IPX</name>
			<name>Network Serial</name>
			<name>Portable Serv</name>
			<name>CPU Id</name>
			<name>Custom Ex</name>
			<name>Hard Disk Serial</name>
			<name>CPU Info</name>
				<rawValue>GenuineIntel Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6820HQ CPU @ 2.70GHz 6 14 3</rawValue>

Case B: Locking Code Scope Without Specifying Fingerprint

Uses the system fingerprint information for generating the locking code.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
	<!-- Null or empty scope is not allowed.-->
	<lockSelector>0x4</lockSelector> <! -- The lock selector is mandatory.-->

NOTE   By default, decimal values are accepted for specifying a lockSelector value in the query scope. To provide hexadecimal values, prefix the input value with 0x.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
Element Description
Locking Code Information
selector The locking criterion (in hexadecimal).
value A 16-byte long readable string that identifies a computer. However, this string is actually a 64-bit hash value based on SHA-256 algorithm.