sntl_lmadmin_get Supported in On-premises modeSupported in Lease mode

Library Information

>This API belongs to the License Manager administration library.

>The corresponding header is lmadmin.h.


This API retrieves information based on the query parameter that is passed. It provides comprehensive information related to adminLibraryInfo.


SNTL_DECLARE(sntl_lmadmin_status_t) sntl_lmadmin_get (sntl_lmadmin_context_t   *admin_context,
                                                       const char               *scope,
                                                       const char               *query,
                                                       char                     **info);
Argument Description
admin_context [in] Pointer to the admin context object.
scope [in] search/filter parameters for the query.
query [in] The query type, such as SNTL_QUERY_LMADMIN_LIBRARY_INFO_LATEST.
Refer to the following table.
info [out] Pointer to the buffer containing the XML-based output. Memory resources are allocated by the API and can be released using the sntl_lmadmin_free API.

Click the following query type link to learn about the corresponding XML query, scope, and output.

Query Types Versions* Description
adminLibraryInfo Supported in On-premises modeSupported in Lease mode 1.0 The information about the licensing library.


The status code SNTL_LMADMIN_SUCCESS is returned, if successful. Otherwise, a specific status code is returned indicating the reason for the failure.

For the complete list of error codes, refer to LmAdmin Library Error and Result Codes.