sntl_licensing_uninstall Supported in On-premises mode

Library Information

>This API belongs to the Sentinel RMS licensing library.

>The corresponding header is licensing.h.


Deletes a license from the designated License Manager’s memory and license file. It is useful in scenarios when you want to delete the obsolete or expired licenses from both the License Manager’s memory and file.

NOTE   The license deletion fails, if the license is in use or is of redundant type.


SNTL_DECLARE(sntl_status_t) sntl_licensing_uninstall(sntl_licensing_app_context_t     *app_context,
                                                     const char                       *uninstall_data,
                                                     char                             **status);	 	 
Argument Description
app_context [in] The application context object.
uninstall_data [in]

Information about the data that needs to be removed.

It can contain a license hash and / or license string to identify a specific license. If the input contains information about license hash and license, preference is given to the license. The format of the input XML is described below:

   <licenseHash> </licenseHash>
   <license> </license>

NOTE   You can obtain the license hash using the licenseInfo query of the sntl_licensing_get_info API for licenses already installed on the License Manager.

status [out]

License hash of the license removed. It may contain the license (string) as well, except when the license is not available in the license file.

The format of the output XML is described below:

   <licenseHash> </licenseHash>
   <license> </license>

Memory resources are allocated by the API and can be released using sntl_licensing_free.


The status code SNTL_SUCCESS is returned, if successful. Otherwise, an error code is returned indicating the reason for failure.

For the complete list of error codes, refer to Licensing Library Error and Result Codes.