sntl_persistence_reset Supported in On-premises modeSupported in Lease modeSupported in Connected (Cloud LM) mode

Library Information

This API belongs to the Sentinel RMS persistence cleaning library.


>Resets persistence data in the following cases:

When the system clock of the License Manager host is tampered under network licensing

When the system clock is tampered under standalone licensing.

>Cleans the checked out commuter token for a specific client machine that is lost or damaged beyond repair. To clean commuter token for all client machines for the same feature version, set the clientHostname as SNTL_PERSISTENCE_CLEAN_ALL .

For information on when to use reset operation, refer to Cleaning Persistence Data Using Unified API.


SNTL_DECLARE(sntl_persistence_status_t) sntl_persistence_reset(sntl_persistence_context_t    *context,
                                                               char                           *persistence_scope);
Argument Description
context [in] Pointer to the persistence context object created using the sntl_persistence_context_new API.
persistence_scope [in]

Defines the type of cleaning operation and the Sentinel RMS SDK version to reset the persistence data. The input is an XML that includes the following arguments:

>productVersion: The product version where resetting is required. Reset is context-dependent that means, in case of network license, RMS License Manager version would be the product version. And in case of standalone license, client library version would be the product version. The product version is a composition of major version.minor version.patch version. For e.g. 9.8.0.

>persistenceCleanOperation: Determines the cleaning operation that is to be performed. Following table lists the possible values and their corresponding XML structure:

Possible Values Sample XML Structure
    <peristenceCleanOperation OperationType="commuter">

NOTE   In the case of commuter cleaning, feature name, feature version and hostname of client machine (whose checkout data needs to be cleaned) is required. To fetch the hostname, call the clientInfo API.

    <peristenceCleanOperation OperationType="time-tamper">


The time tampering error is not detected for a license which has the time tampering check enabled and has the end date set as “Never”.

Usage Notes

>Administrator privileges are required to use this API.

>When performing the reset operation, make sure the licensed application/License Manager must be stopped.

>Time-tamper persistence is now feature and version-independent. This means, you need not specify feature and version for executing this API.


The status code SNTL_PERSISTENCE_SUCCESS is returned, if successful. Otherwise, a specific status code is returned indicating the reason for failure.

For the complete list of error codes, refer to Persistence Library Error Codes.