Using Sentinel RMS Envelope in Evaluation Mode

Sentinel RMS Envelope provides the --eval option for protecting applications in the evaluation mode. Under this mode, application's protection period is restricted to the maximum of 30 days.

To use Sentinel RMS Envelope in the evaluation mode:

1.Open the terminal.

2.Go to the directory that contains Sentinel RMS Envelope command-line application.

3.Use the following command to start the Sentinel RMS Envelope command-line application:

SentinelRMSEnvelope.exe --eval -f:DOTS -v:1.0 -lib:<absolute path to the licensing library> toprotect.exe protected.exe


>The Sentinel LDK Developer Key and Sentinel LDK Runtime are not required for protecting applications in evaluation mode.

>Applications protected using the evaluation mode display the following message at startup:

This application is protected using demo version of Sentinel RMS Envelope.

> The evaluation period starts from the date of application protection.

>To run the applications protected using the evaluation mode, you also require a Sentinel RMS license for the feature name and feature version combination specified at the time the application protection. For more information, refer to the Prerequisites section.